Monday, March 22, 2010

New bike

We got Natalie a new bike and of course it has princesses all over it. Funny thing though the barbie helmet was the only one that fit so it is not all the same theme. This was a problem for me but Paul said I just need to get over it.
As soon as we got home Natalie was ready to go so Paul took her back and forth around the driveway. She did really good except she kept pushing backwards on the pedals at random times so she would all of a sudden come to a screeching halt.
I felt really bad for Katelyn because she is the second child and she gets the hand-me-down trike from Natalie. I told Paul that I wanted to buy Kate a bike too but when we put her on one she didn't like it. Paul said she isn't ready which I know she's not but I felt bad about the hand-me-downs. Paul says that's just life and I buy plenty of new stuff for Kate. I always got hand-me-downs and I know that it is what it is but I hated it so when it is reasonable I buy new for Kate too.
As I read through this I want to make it clear that yes I do spoil my kids and I don't have a problem saying that....sometimes haha. I am however teaching my kids to be nice and grateful for what they have....hopefully. Natalie told me a few days ago that I say "no" to much and I need to learn to say yes more. I laughed and said "no". HAHA I told Paul that is proof that they aren't that spoiled.

1 comment:

A & L said...

that is so fun for Natie and of course it is all princess