Monday, March 15, 2010


So today I thought I would brave it and I took my first motorcycle ride. I...of course was not driving but I was holding so tight to Paul that I think I might have bruised some of his ribs. haha I think the whole motorcycle thing is definitely a guy thing. I don't get wasn't that much fun in my opinion. The worst part is the turns I felt like I was about to fall off so my survival instincts kicked in and I was leaning away from the road....silly me! As soon as we got back home Paul informed me that you are suppose to lean into the turns. I don't think so!!!! The other thing I didn't realize was how heavy the helmets are. I seriously need to work on my neck muscles before I do that again. Although I think it might be a while before I take another ride and I don't think Paul with be offering any time soon. He couldn't understand why I was screaming so much and he said that I make it harder for him to drive. I am just glad that we made it home and I can check off death defying act off my bucket list now.

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