Friday, March 12, 2010

Good Day!!

I don't have any pictures for this post but it was a good day so I thought I would document it. We signed papers on the old house today!!! We are no longer responsible for two houses and what a load off! Although.....because we are working with the state we still have up to another 4 weeks before all the money transactions are done but I don't have to worry if the old house burns or not. Natalie has decided that she doesn't like Buster's name anymore and came down stairs and inform Paul and I that his new name is Hod-chi. I spelled it how it sounds because I have no idea where she got the name from so I had no reference to look at. So all day long when we would call Buster name was right on our heels saying "no.....he has a new name......remember". I got new jeans in the mail and they were too big....anything too big is awesome!!! It does suck that I have to send them back but I will get over that. Katelyn has gone two nights in a row with a dry pull-up! We are on our way to being completely potty trained. She just has to go potty before bed and we are good. I am not going to say that pull-up are behind us yet but we are getting closer. Overall it was a good day, we got to spend time as a family and enjoy the day.

1 comment:

Travis and Emily Leavitt said...

I was just going to give you a hard time that you never update your blog. I remember as a kid trying to change my own name so I guess you are lucky she is just changing the dogs name.