Monday, March 22, 2010

Sick kids

We had a couple days of laying around due to the girls being sick. I think blankets covered the living room floor for about three days. Natalie got sick first and I know this is really bad to say but I love it when she is sick. She takes like four naps a day and still goes to sleep on time. I could really get a lot done on those days except normally I just lay on the living room floor with them. With Natalie getting sick first I knew Katelyn wasn't too far behind. In the past I hated it when Kate got sick because that meant 24 hours of whining but this time no whining.....just more sleeping!! I guess know matter what I shouldn't complain because I can't even remember the last time my kids got sick. I think that it has been at least over a year. I have always had really healthy kids....I am so lucky in that area of parenthood.

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