Friday, December 11, 2009

Letter to Santa

We have been watching some of the Christmas shows....OK all of the Christmas shows. I really love watching them. In a lot of the cartoon shows kids write letters to Santa. Well Natalie picked up on that and started her own letter. After she was finished she brought it to me and said we need to send it to Santa. The only thing I helped her with was the "Dear Santa" but I only told her the letters she wanted to write them down. Also as you can probably tell there isn't really a list of toys that she wants in her letter. She didn't know how to spell any of the toys so she drew pictures of them instead. She even asked Katelyn what she wanted so she could draw that picture too. She signed it Kate, Dad, Mom, Natalie. Just an FYI she told us that she drew a teddy bear, a princess mirror that sings, a backpack, a Dora doll and a Tinkerbell for Katelyn. There is also a map on the last page. She kept asking me which way was left and right so she could draw that on her paper. We are sending it today...Natalie wanted to show her letter to her dad before she sent it. This is just one of those great moments that makes the crazy days of parenthood worth it.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sleep walking

I had thought that the last few times that Natalie had come downstairs in the middle of the night that maybe she was sleep walking but last night confirmed it. It is really weird to watch and sometimes funny. When she comes downstairs it is like she is on a mission to do whatever she is thinking. It is very hard to pull her out of it and get her to go back to bed. Then when she does start to come around she is very disoriented and it scares her a little. Last night she came downstairs and Paul and I were in bed but I heard her come down. She went into the living room, sat down on the couch and looked at the TV like she was watching it. When I called out to her she looked at me but just continued to watch the TV. I finally got her to come around and she was a little freaked out so I had her sleep with Paul and I. This morning she woke up and asked me why I brought her down to our bed. She doesn't remember coming downstairs and said that she was sleeping in her bed and we carried her down to our bed. I had to laugh. I slept walked as a child but it is so weird to watch someone else do it.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Fall is over for us

I love fall but I am so excited and looking forward to winter this year. I think all the snow is so pretty and I just can't wait for it to come. Our first arctic storm is suppose to hit this weekend and I can't wait for it to look like Christmas outside. I think I am more excited this year because I know that if I don't want to I don't have to drive in it. With the closing of fall I took the girls outside for some last pictures in the leaves. Out of about 30-35 pictures I think only three turned out where they were both looking at the camera. Two of them I used for Christmas cards this year so I will not be posting them on my blog.
This was one of my favorite poses but not one of the ones I took were they both smiling or looking at the camera. I am so enjoying them being older and listen to me when I say sit like this or look this way. They are still kids so it takes a bunch of pictures to just get a few but they are getting better.I love the look of leaves on the ground but all the hard work to clean them up is a little depressing. The girls look so grown up and so much like sisters and yes they are being good sisters now but they fight like the best of them now too. We have moved into the "she's touching me" and the also favorite "she's looking at me" stage. There are the sweet moments of Natalie going up to Kate when she is crying and saying "it's OK honey we will find your leapster together". That gives me hope that they will grow up to be close friends.I love the look of the snow on the mountain. This is an OK picture but the ones in the early morning with the sun hitting it just right are beautiful. I love living up here and now that I am settling in and getting used to it I am feeling comfortable and at is so nice.


I know this is a little crazy but Paul and I have finally ended a 2 year conversation about getting a motorcycle. I think he found me in a weak moment during the holiday season to bring it up again. I love the holiday season and it is hard for me to say no during this time. Don't worry Paul and I have had some real blunt conversations about driving safe and how everyone on the road is out to kill him. We have also maxed out his life insurance. haha Although it is a little scary Paul loves his new toy. When we finally decided to get it I said lets make it your Christmas present (which was good because I didn't know what to get him this year). I am thinking that because the bike has to sit in the garage for the next 4 months that when it comes time to drive it Paul will be a little more carefully because the excitement for a new toy has worn off a little. Overall I think Paul is very excited and looks forward to doing some bike trips with his dad.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Winter is coming

At 7:30 in the morning Natalie came into our room opened the blinds and wouldn't leave until Paul and I looked out the window and saw the snow. She was so excited to go play in the snow she could barely stand it. She also decided that she was going to clean off the truck but it kept snowing and after awhile she gave up. Next time we go to Portland I told her that we will pick up some snow boots and snow pants. She tried to make a snowman but I didn't have any gloves so I couldn't help her. It ended up just a mound of snow and a little while later I saw Buster peeing on it. Kate is not in the video because as stated in the earlier post it was to early and she didn't want to get dressed. It was raining by the afternoon and when Kate finally decided she wanted to go outside it was slushy and muddy so she didn't get to go out. Maybe this will motivate her to get moving in the morning.

Lazy days

Katelyn is not a morning person....she so takes after me. She will get up and come down stairs with her blanket and have to lay on the floor and watch cartoons for a couple of hours before she really starts moving. Some mornings she is up and playing with Natalie but when I say it is time to get dressed Kate will have none of it. Most days she doesn't get dressed till around 10 and I have decided to stop fighting the issue. I figure I will put off the fight until she has to go to school and be dressed by 8. Probably not the best plan and will more then likey come back and bit me...oh well.


So I had to decided what I was going to do with the walls in the playroom. I had this this big idea of pictures all around the room of the girls growing up on a fabric board but this is what I ended up with. I would like to say that I thought this was a better idea but the truth is that I just got lazy. This took a little bit of work but not as much work as my other idea. I am on the fence with the turn out.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


The girls were Tinkerbell and Jasmin for Halloween. This was the first year they got to pick out their own costumes. That is why Natalie who is blond and pale got to be Jasmin who has long black hair and olive skin. I am hoping I can have more of a say next year but I think the years of my opinion mattering are fading fast. We went round to some of the family first who never get trick or treaters but always buy one bag of candy just in case.
We stayed in Parkdale to do the trick or treating which was really nice because it was cold and the girls didn't last very long. I took the time to curl the girls hair and and pin it to the top of their heads. Of course Paul's reaction was why do you need to do everything so over the top. What else am I going to do...and I know he loves the reactions from people when they say how cute his girls are. Paul also helped the girls go through their candy to make sure that everything was sealed properly and I think to check out which ones he wanted too.

Hanging with family

I got to spend almost a week at my aunts house while my cousins were in town. We had a lot of fun and my girls always love playing with their cousins. Emily and I took the girls to a movie (I forgot what it was called but it was the one with the food falling out of the sky) and this picture was taken before the movie started. We should have taken one after the movie to show what a total disaster the girls made but we were in such a hurry to get out of there just in case they made us clean it up that I didn't think about it.
Emily and I went out one morning to get breakfast and came back with donuts of course. Natalie had white lips from all the powered sugar. We are such good moms...nothing unhealthy for our kids!! lol
When it was time for us to leave I told Kate to give Sadie a kiss and as you can see I think they were a little shy about it at first but then they made it happen. I have learned that Kate loves it when Emily and Sadie come to town so Kate can try and use all the baby stuff that come too. I normally have to retrain Kate on a few things when we get home but the worst is she tries whining again. Kate would love to be a baby forever I think.

Party at Claim Jumper's

For Natalie's, Sadie's and Papa's birthday we all went out for dinner at Claim Jumper. We had a big booth which was good so the girls could open their presents and make a total mess. Mimi thinking ahead brought something for Kate too so she didn't feel left out. It was fun to go out with family and have a nice dinner.
They all got cupcakes with a candle to blow out which Natalie loved. I am glad we got to do something together for their birthdays.

David/Papa turned 50!!!

We very quickly threw together a party for my uncle David for his 50th birthday. My aunt got him out of the house so we could decorate the house and get things ready. I was in charge of blowing up the balloons and my girls were so helpful. They kept trying to blow up the balloons and when they couldn't do it I got the desgusting spit soaked balloons back to blow up. After the house was ready and we were waiting for David to come home the girls got bored and Emily thought it would be a good idea to give them confetti. My girls along with Sadie got that stuff all over the house.
The cake was really cute and in this photo you can see Katelyn's fingers. She kept trying to stick her fingers in the cake and Emily kept telling her no. Haha I know my daughter and knew that she was not about to listen to Aunt Emily. Finally Emily was over it and after about 10 times of telling Kate no she finally stopped. Welcome to my world and by the way Katelyn did in the end get one finger tip of icing before we brought the cake out. The girls loved seeing papa and we had a great night.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Playing in the park

We took a day and went to the park. The weather was great, Paul was home and I didn't want to be in the house.
We packed a picnic lunch and took off. We went down to the river and the water was freezing so we didn't even take off our shoes. We tried to teach Natalie how to swing by herself but she decided to sit there and pout instead. It was a great day and I love the parks around this area. They always have green grass and are so well taken care of.

Natalie's 5

Natalie turned 5 a little while ago and with all the changes and everything that has been going on with us we decided to do a very low key party. Just us!!! It was really nice and fuss. Natalie got to pick out her cake and of course she picked a princess cake.
Katelyn was sure to be right at Natalie's side as she opened her presents. She had to look over the goods and try and state her claim to some of the toys. I told Natalie that she didn't have to share any of the toys for one day but that if she did that would be nice. So in true sister form she did not what to share. That was a fun day trying to keep Kate occupied.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My kids

I love my girls!!! They are so cute and I can't get enough of HaHa We had some pictures done and they turned out. This was the first time that any pictures of me and my kids actually turned out. My girls don't sit still very long which makes it difficult and to ask them to smile at the same time that is just silliness. I love how different they look. It reminds of how they are different in every way. I can't wait to have a third and she what she looks like.....maybe auburn hair. I am not a fan of red hair but I will take auburn.....and green can dream.


I got the girl's costumes in the mail today and I couldn't help it I had to dress them up. Only because I needed to make sure that they fit...of course. Every thing fit really well except Natalie's shoes so we will need to return them at the Disney store. Hopefully they will have her size because they are so cute and make the outfit. I don't care for the veil so I think that will you can't see her face with that on. They are going to be so cute on Halloween when I have their hair done and really get them dressed up. This was the first year that they got to pick out what they wanted to be and they were so excited when they came in the mail. I have put them back in the box and hopefully won't be touched for another two months.

Cupcakes and cousins

My kids got to spend some time with their cousins Michael and Taylor. The first night Michael and Natalie were laying in her bed playing with their leapsters and ended up falling asleep. It was so cute.
One of the mornings we made cupcakes everyone got to help stir and pick out which paper cupcake holders they wanted to use. Then everyone frosted them and then I made the mistake of bringing out the sprinkles. At that point I lost control and sprinkles were everywhere. I was cleaning up sprinkles for a week straight.

Uncle Amos

Kate loves her uncle Amos. When ever the family gets together for anything and I look back through the pictures I can always find a picture of Kate being carried by uncle Amos or sitting in his lap. I think she is going to be terribly upset if Amos has his own kids and carries them around instead of her.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Two weeks with my family

I got to spend a couple of weeks with my family when my cousin Garrett returned home from his mission. We were all staying in one house and.....we made it!! We had a great time and the following pictures will attest to that.
We went to the zoo again. I think we all love the zoo and every time we go the kids are a little older and enjoy it a little more. Love this picture of Tessa.
Lately when I tell Natalie to put her arm around Katelyn for a picture it looks like she is putting her in a choke hold.
Natalie wanted to go driving so bad and lucky for her Aunt Emily wanted to go too.
Sadie needed some warm up time before she felt OK with the jungle gym.
Kate followed Kendalyn around because she would help her get up and down on the different levels. Natalie just took off. A big thanks to Kendalyn!!! Waiting for Garrett....I only got a few pictures because the battery on my camera was just about out.
Sadie showing off her table manners.
Mia and her crazy faces.....she is a girl with personality bursting out of her. She is so funny and I love just sitting and watching her.