Thursday, November 5, 2009

David/Papa turned 50!!!

We very quickly threw together a party for my uncle David for his 50th birthday. My aunt got him out of the house so we could decorate the house and get things ready. I was in charge of blowing up the balloons and my girls were so helpful. They kept trying to blow up the balloons and when they couldn't do it I got the desgusting spit soaked balloons back to blow up. After the house was ready and we were waiting for David to come home the girls got bored and Emily thought it would be a good idea to give them confetti. My girls along with Sadie got that stuff all over the house.
The cake was really cute and in this photo you can see Katelyn's fingers. She kept trying to stick her fingers in the cake and Emily kept telling her no. Haha I know my daughter and knew that she was not about to listen to Aunt Emily. Finally Emily was over it and after about 10 times of telling Kate no she finally stopped. Welcome to my world and by the way Katelyn did in the end get one finger tip of icing before we brought the cake out. The girls loved seeing papa and we had a great night.

1 comment:

A & L said...

can i just say how much i love kate's face in that pic of her. so funny.