Monday, November 15, 2010

I can't stop smiling

The other day was such a beautiful day that we had to get out of the house and do something. We found this nice park to go to. It has walking trails, a play area, fishing area and this little pond where there was about a thousand birds. The girls loved feeding the birds.
Both of the girls wanted to catch a bird so they were running around chasing them. (very funny)
I love this picture of me and Natalie. I wasn't feeling well that day so this is me with no make-up and my hair just pulled back. It was such a nice day that I just had to go out too so I just put on some sunglasses and headed out.
Kate and I are loving the time we get to spend together during the day. I have come to realize how unhappy I had been for a while. Just with all the changes and moving over the last couple of years. It is so nice to finally feel settled and content. I get out more then I have in a long time and I get to do things that I just wasn't motivated to do before. I find myself through out the days just smiling. I am so excited for what is to come and I am really excited to meet this new little baby of ours. Only 14 more weeks!!!!

1 comment:

Travis and Emily Leavitt said...

Kate looks super cute in the picture. I am so excited to see you guys. More importantly I am excited to see how Kate is around Brody. You better pick a name for that dang baby before you get here too.