Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The girls are older now so Halloween is a big deal. I have always decorated the house in just fall colors with leaves and pumpkins but the girls have something else in mind. They want to decorate for Halloween with scary stuff. We went through target and Paul and the girls had to be dragged out of the Halloween section. We didn't have the time this year to really decorate but watch out next year. I guess I need to do some crafts for the inside of the house before next year comes. Speaking of crafts and I have found a craft warehouse store just a few miles away so I have a hobby now.
We carved some pumpkins this year and Natalie was so excited until she saw the inside of the pumpkin. There was no way she was going to stick her hand in there. When we were picking out the pumpkins Natalie wanted the biggest one she could find and Kate wanted one of the small ones. Kate actually helped clean hers out and everything. Natalie did get excited when it was time to light the candles. This was the first time I used a stencil and I thought it was pretty cool. Paul found a pattern for the death star but after craving Natalie's he lost his motivation. Which I can't blame him, if I had to do more then one big pumpkin I would lose motivation too. The girls got to pick out their Halloween costumes this year as long as it wasn't Disney princess. I am so over princess!!! Kate and I went to the store and found the hot dog costume for Buster. When we were there the first time they didn't have his size but Paul thought it would be perfect for him so Kate and I went back another day and found his size. Paul took the kids around and I stayed behind to hand out candy. We met some of our new neighbors and and we got to see who has kids the same age as ours. I loved how the weather was still warm and not raining.

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