Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Road trip.....

So I decided last minute that I would take a road trip. It was raining non stop, Paul was leaving on a long trip again and I was tired of being couped up in the house. I decided Sunday afternoon that the girls and I would go see some family and we left Monday morning at 3 am. We headed out and our first stop was my sister-in-law's Liz. Due to this trip not being planned she was working but we made plans for us to stop at her place on the way back. So on to Vegas...we went to my cousin Emily's house. It was a lot warmer then what we were used to up in Oregon so we lived in the pool and ate a lot of popsicles. We did manage to squeeze in a few activities so the girls weren't bouncing off the walls. We went to a museum and my girls and their cousin Sadie had a blast. I think Emily and I were done after about two minutes but they were loving it so we stuck it out. The blue tube thing was a hurricane simulator and it destroyed their hair. I was a little surprised that Kate liked it. I was worried that once it started she was going to start crying but she held it together. Natalie's favorite part was the big bubbles. I had to watch her because every time I lost track of her she had snuck off to go back to the bubbles. It was so much fun for her. Travis tried to do the bubble that surrounds you but I think the highest he got was maybe a foot. I tried it next and I got it to go fairly high because I just did it fast before the bubble would pop. Travis tried the slower method. I did have an older lady come up to me and say you need to do it slow to make it work. I just walked away but the proof was in the pudding I thought. (fast was working for us) We did work in a day where we went to a splash pad. This was a first for my girls and Katelyn didn't want to leave...even though her lips were turning blue. Vegas had a breeze the last couple of days that we were there so Kate got cold when she was playing in water but that didn't stop her. Yes in the last picture at the splash pad if you look closely you can see that Natalie is pulling down her swimsuit to get water on the inside. I told her when she did that people can see her boobies but at that time I don't think she cared. Which is funny because she is moving into the "don't want to be naked in front of people" phase. I guess it is not really a phase just her growing up. The last thing we did was go to Pump It Up. The girls had a blast. They ran and ran and ran and they slept really good that night so it was totally worth it. Sadie was such a superstar this time. She wanted to do everything and did most of it on her own. There was one time that she went into a maze and I had to go in after her. When I got to her she was standing there yelling "help me" but no tears....such a big girl. With Katelyn's birthday coming up Emily bought a cake and we sang Happy Birthday to her. The girls of course downed the cake and Kate loved having all the attention on her. I love the picture of them around the table because it is all the girls and little Brody is in it too...well kind of! So the next stop was St. George. We stopped and played in a park with my cousin Kali's kids. Natalie was so excited to see her cousin Kendalyn. She says she has 3 girlfriends and Kendalyn is one of them. I got some really cute pictures and we had a good time. Mia even warmed up to me a little at the end. I can't believe how big they are getting!! Next we drove up to stay the night at my cousin Lindsey's house. We just hung out and talked after we got there. We did try and take the girls out to play on a play structure but it is a lot colder there then it is in Vegas....so we didn't last long. Garrett and his new girlfriend came over and had dinner and it was nice to visit with them. When AJ came home he set the girls up in the bed with the computer and let them watch a movie. That was the best thing I think he could have done. They were big fans of him after that. I do have to say that Lindsey had the best chairs the girls have ever seen. I didn't get any pictures but the chairs spin and the girls just spun and spun and spun. I do have to say sorry because later that night Natalie got sick and threw up all over their bed. My kids have been sick in the past but normally they throw up once and it is over with. This time Natalie started at 2 in the morning and didn't stop for hours. We ended up using all of the towels that Lindsey had in the apartment...again so sorry!! I felt really bad for Natalie because after a few hours of getting sick she was crying and asking me why this was happening. We left Lindsey's that morning with barf bags in hand and headed back to my sister-in-law's. Natalie was still throwing up and it began to worry me. She couldn't keep anything down and I tried sprite but she couldn't keep that down either. I was really getting worried and I called Paul but with him on a trip he just talked to me.....which helped. We decided that I would just keep driving to his sister's and if she wasn't better by then then I would ask his sister what to do. His sister is a nurse and she could tell me if I needed to let it run it course or take her to a doctor. Lucky for me Natalie started turning around about an hour away from my sister-in-law's house. When we got there Natalie went straight for her couch and laid there for the rest of the visit. I feel bad because I was so busy taking care of sick kids that I didn't take any pictures. Liz has pigs, chickens, and horses that the kids did get to look at and they did enjoy that. Overall it was a good trip and we are so happy to be home!! Next year I wonder were our next road trip will take us.

1 comment:

Travis and Emily Leavitt said...

I really like the picture of them eating Popsicle....Specially Natalie's face. I like the one with my belly in it too, it's always in the way haha.