Katelyn is loving the lessons. This is the first time she has done a classroom type activity with a bunch of kids her age. She has done really good listen to the teachers and even gets ready in the morning without a hassle.
One day after her swim lesson she wanted to point out her teachers to me and she has one boy teacher and one girl teacher. She pointed to the girl and said "that is the mommy teacher" and pointed to the boy and and "that is the daddy teacher. HAHA love the way kids think!!
Both of my girls have the back float down pat and are really enjoying the lessons. They were both very excited to show Paul how well they were doing and it worked out that he made it home one morning to watch them.
Paul and I were both very surprised how well Katelyn takes instructions but then again they aren't her parents so of course she is going to listen better. Now that Natalie has private lessons it is amazing how fast she is learning.
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