Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Moving rooms

We have moved rooms! This was something that needed to happen for so many reasons.

 Brooke is still not talking as much as she should be so we moved her into the room with Kate in hopes that that would help. Being in a room by herself she played a lot by herself but putting her with Kate has done wonders. Brooke and Kate play together so much more and her talking is starting to improve so I am considering it a success!
 Kate really needed to learn what it is like to be an older sister. Kate has always relied on Natalie to do things for her and Nat would just do things to get them done rather then fight with Kate. Which meant Kate didn't really do a lot of the cleaning of the room and if anything was hard for her she would just whine at Nat until she did it for her. Well now with Brooke in the room with her, Kate has to do the majority of the cleaning and she is really learning to do things for herself. She helps Brooke get to bed and I think she is really enjoying some parts of it....not so much the cleaning part though. hahaha. When we first decided to move Nat into her own room Kate said "but I am not ready to be by myself". So having Brooke with her has seemed to make everyone happy and is really working out for the best.
 Natalie doesn't cry a lot and really tries to keep her emotions in check. So when she came to me crying saying "mom I really need my own room" I figured she really did need it. Nat and Kate had been fighting a lot lately and I know it comes with the age but it just seemed to be more then any of us could handle. The day we switched rooms I hadn't seen Natalie that happy in a while. We didn't have a bed yet for her but she was willing to sleep on an air mattress until she got one. Also (I don't have a picture) for her walls she wanted to decorate it with math and science equations. Oh man......so I found some and they ended up being calculus and geometry type stuff. I told her that she won't understand them and she said "that is ok, I will look them up on the internet to figure them out". Love her! A plus to all of this is that Nat and Kate are getting along so much better. The fighting is dramatically less and they actually want to do things with each other again.

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