Monday, October 18, 2010

Natalie is a year older....

Natalie turned 6 this month so we had a party with some friends and family. We just moved into the house too so it was nice to have a few people over. Natalie loved having her cousins over and opening presents was definitely a group effort.
Natalie is getting so big I can hardly believe it. I remember when she was a tiny baby and so dependent on me. Now she is girl with her own thoughts of the way things should be and reminds me constantly of how big she is. Birthdays are so fun with her now because she makes her list of what she would like to get and wants to have input on the decorations. I am learning to let go of the control and let her choose what she wants rather then what I would think would be cute. It is a lot of fun to sit down with her and go over things.
The funniest part of the evening was to watch Paul and a couple of our friends sit around the table and put all the toys together. They were so into it and had to make everything perfect. haha Natalie loved running around with her cousins and playing with her new toys. They got to stay awhile because the adults wanted to sit around and talk so I think fun was had by all. Thanks everyone for coming and I hope to get together again soon.
I tried punch for the first time and it turned out pretty good. I called someone and got a recipe and I think I will be using that one from now on. I actually crave it all the time now but I can't have punch around all the time....that would just be dumb.....right? haha We are having a bowling party at the beginning of Nov. and the rest of the family will be able to make it. Plus we will be celebrating about 4 birthdays at that party so more pics to come later.

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