Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Our new home!!!!

So this post is for the few people who keep bugging me about photos of the new home. I hope everyone can make it out for a visit sometime to see it in person. We love our new home and are having so much fun settling in and making it our own. A lot of the walls are still bare because we have only been in the house about two weeks and if I could I would buy all new stuff I would do that!! (one could dream) There are a lot of photos of the house so this post is a long one. This is a hall leads to a bathroom and the soon to be nursery, also a hall closet.
This is Paul's office. He is searching for the right desk and I said that he could decorate it. He asked me to buy him coat hooks so he could put them in the wall. Oh boy, this is going to be a mess and I will be hanging curtains on those doors.
That is the entry to the master bedroom off the living room. I don't have pictures of our bedroom because it is a mess with boxes everywhere.
This is the hallway from the front door into the living room. Lots of space that I need to decorate.
The dining room.
Our kitchen and the best pantry ever!!!
The living room and dining room.
The living room.
What I posted in our laundry room. Thanks Emily, I agree it is cute.
Our laundry room with a sink for Paul to wash up before he enters my clean house. haha
The girls' bathroom. They got to pick out the decor even though I wanted something else. Dad backed their discussion so I was the odd man out.
Underwater sea life is the theme.
Katelyn's bedroom.
Kate's room.
Natalie's room.
Natalie's room again.

1 comment:

Travis and Emily Leavitt said...

I love love love it! I can't belive how much decorating you have already done. You have more than I do and we have lived in this house almost 7 years haha. The girls rooms are so cute! I am so happy you and very jealous haha.