Friday, December 11, 2009

Letter to Santa

We have been watching some of the Christmas shows....OK all of the Christmas shows. I really love watching them. In a lot of the cartoon shows kids write letters to Santa. Well Natalie picked up on that and started her own letter. After she was finished she brought it to me and said we need to send it to Santa. The only thing I helped her with was the "Dear Santa" but I only told her the letters she wanted to write them down. Also as you can probably tell there isn't really a list of toys that she wants in her letter. She didn't know how to spell any of the toys so she drew pictures of them instead. She even asked Katelyn what she wanted so she could draw that picture too. She signed it Kate, Dad, Mom, Natalie. Just an FYI she told us that she drew a teddy bear, a princess mirror that sings, a backpack, a Dora doll and a Tinkerbell for Katelyn. There is also a map on the last page. She kept asking me which way was left and right so she could draw that on her paper. We are sending it today...Natalie wanted to show her letter to her dad before she sent it. This is just one of those great moments that makes the crazy days of parenthood worth it.

1 comment:

A & L said...

She is too freakin cute I love it!