Sunday, September 28, 2008

Love the style

So I have decided that I love the look of knee highs and leggings. Good for me that Gymboree has a lot of those kind of clothes. Too bad they are expensive clothes so I only get to buy them when they are on sale or I get a coupon in the mail. I got a coupon this week so I was able to buy these outfits. Their hair is a mess but I just put the outfits on to make sure they fit.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My girls

They are just so darn cute and getting so big. We were playing outside and while I was taking pictures I realized that I really like the hair cuts. They make them look so much older.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I so called this....

I came home from work and found Natalie's hair on the floor of the bathroom. Just last week she brought home a paper from school that she was practicing cutting with scissors on. I thought to myself this can't be good. I even blogged that Natalie or Kate would have a hair cut soon. This time it was bad enough that I had to have it a cut off. The really bad thing is that we are scheduled to have family pictures taken next week. I guess we will have pictures now to remember this moment. If this happens again I will be throwing out all the scissors in the house.

I decided that while we were there Kate might as well get a hair cut too. This was Kate's first hair cut. She did really well and only started to cry once but then sucked it up and made it through the rest of the hair cut. When they were done the got balloons from the shop. The lady tied them around their wrist so they would loose them. Then we went out side to get in the truck and I stopped to take some pictures and Kate promptly got the balloon off her wrist and let it go.

After we got their hair done we went home and put some bows in their hair. Overall the haircut isn't that bad and it is kind of cute.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

What kids say

Below is a conversation I had with Natalie that made me stop and laugh. We were walking out to get in the truck and Natalie turned to me and said....... Natalie: Mom what's that? Me: bird poop (on the window of the truck) Natalie: What? Me: bird poop Natalie: That's disgusting Me: I know Natalie: I'm not going to eat that. Where she got that I will never know. I did ask Paul what he was feeding the girls for dinners during the week when I am not there. HAHA

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm 30!!!!

I am 30 and this is probably me 29 years ago. I have very few baby pictures of me but I didn't take any pictures on my birthday so I posted this. Overall my birthday wasn't too bad.....Paul got a babysitter and took me to Oktoberfest, then we walked around a couple of malls. It was nice not to have a plan and just spend the day with Paul. We both thought that it felt like what we use to do before kids. I wasn't as depressed as I thought I would be hitting 30 but it has made me sit and think about my life. I think I would like to have one weekend or day on a weekend a month where it is just Paul and I. I really enjoyed our day and and we don't hardly ever get to do that. We let life and kids take over most of the time and I want to change that. I am going to work on doing more things that make my family and I happy and stop stressing on the little things. The time has gone by so fast and I don't want to look back and say I worked or saved money all through my thirties and didn't have a lot of fun. As I read this maybe being 30 has effected me a little more then I thought.

1st Day of school

Natalie had her first day of school last week. I talked with her teacher this week and she said Natalie is starting to talk and get more comfortable in class. She was really shy the first couple of days and didn't say much. I picked her up yesterday and she thinks school is so much fun. Katelyn had a harder time with Natalie going to school. Natalie has always been around for Katelyn to play with so she didn't know how to deal with her being gone. She is doing much better and is starting to realize that she gets mom's attention all to herself for a while.

Natalie always gets ready to go a little early and has to hang around until it is time to go. The only thing I don't like so far is Natalie came home with a piece of paper with cuts in it. They are teaching her how to use scissors. I can see it now....Natalie or Kate will be getting a hair cut soon.