Guitar Hero was played all weekend long and when it wasn't your turn to play yet everyone was parked on the couch until they were up.

Natalie was so glad the Lane was here. She loved playing with him and he would wrestle with her. I think she like having boys around to play with. Amos and Michelle came by and we took everyone to Bullwinkle's. I think everyone had a blast. I got up early on Sunday before they left and made cupcakes with Taylor and Natalie. Taylor wanted to make cupcakes so bad but when it was time to put the frosting and the sprinkles on she had lost interest. Paul's sister Liz loves kids and Kate was her buddy all weekend long. Anytime I told Kate no to something she would go running to Liz and ask. Of course Liz was a good aunt and gave in to her every time.

We had so much fun that I can't wait till Christmas till we all get together again.
1 comment:
Kate looks like she is her kid!
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