Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Chicken pox

Katelyn woke up from her nap today with a little surprise for me. She has the chicken pox's. Both her and Natalie have been vaccinated but I read on "webmd" that the vaccination is 100% effective for the severe cases but 85-90% effective for the mild cases. Also with a child that has the vaccine normally their cases are mild. (hopefully) Natalie hasn't shown any symptoms yet and I will be calling her doctor tomorrow to see how long I need to watch for them. I am hoping that Kate runs through this fast and Nat doesn't get it. There is a wedding in a week and a half and the girls are suppose to be in it. Paul would be more then willing to stay home with the girls while I go to the wedding because we all know how he loves things like that but I don't think he is out of the woods yet. The picture isn't very good because the pox's are in the early stages and very light.
Update: I talked with the doctor this morning and Kate should be through this in a week and I have to watch Nat for the next week and a half. If she gets no symptoms then she is in the clear and can go to the wedding.

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