Friday, March 21, 2008

Who needs a plan!!!!

Well, Paul finally got feed up with work and put in his two week notice. I unfortunately will still be working. During Paul's time off he will be working on unfinished projects around the house, finding another job that he wants to do and he will be going back to school. This sounds like a really good list but I know for the first few weeks he probably won't be doing anything but playing "Guitar Hero". We bought the game last week and he plays it every chance he gets. We also bought another guitar so we could play together which is good for me because he totally carries me. I think I made it through one song without being booed off the stage. At least when I play with Paul we can make it through the songs. (just barely) I know Paul will be doing some fishing and maybe a couple of scuba trips while he is off. He told me that he might get use to not working and not want to go back. I told him the only way he could stay home is if he was pregnant and will cook me dinner every night. I think he will be looking forward to going back to work after he gets his "honey do"list. The timing seems to work out well for us because we are having alot of work done to the yard and the house and I was not looking forward to being the one making sure it all got done properly. Now Paul can be the bad guy. Anyways this is what is going on right now and as far as a plan goes that went out the window a long time ago. Most of you know that I am a planner but I have been forced to see that sometimes it is better to just sit back and see what happens.

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