Thursday, March 27, 2008

Home improvements

We have officially started the home improvements. The tree people came out today and in about 4 hours took down 8 trees. We only have one tree left that needs to come down, grinding some stumps and then the tree stuff will be done. Paul and I are just amazed at the difference. We didn't think by just taking down some trees it would change that much but it looks great. Now don't get me wrong the yard is still a disaster but we have the fence people and yard people coming this weekend. The yard people are only doing some of the yard work and then Paul will finish the rest while he is staying at home. We can't seem to find a quote for the bathroom that is in our budget so it is taking a little longer then I was planning but we are still looking. The first weekend in April I start finishing the rooms inside and hopefully everything will go smoothly. I have decided that I am not going to post any pictures till after everything is done. I have even banned people from coming over to the house because I just want people to see the finished product. I think I will take some before and after pictures so we can really see the difference. I didn't get a picture with all the trees still up but better late then never. I am so excited that this is finally happening. I don't know what I am going to do with myself when everything is done.

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