Thursday, March 27, 2008

Home improvements

We have officially started the home improvements. The tree people came out today and in about 4 hours took down 8 trees. We only have one tree left that needs to come down, grinding some stumps and then the tree stuff will be done. Paul and I are just amazed at the difference. We didn't think by just taking down some trees it would change that much but it looks great. Now don't get me wrong the yard is still a disaster but we have the fence people and yard people coming this weekend. The yard people are only doing some of the yard work and then Paul will finish the rest while he is staying at home. We can't seem to find a quote for the bathroom that is in our budget so it is taking a little longer then I was planning but we are still looking. The first weekend in April I start finishing the rooms inside and hopefully everything will go smoothly. I have decided that I am not going to post any pictures till after everything is done. I have even banned people from coming over to the house because I just want people to see the finished product. I think I will take some before and after pictures so we can really see the difference. I didn't get a picture with all the trees still up but better late then never. I am so excited that this is finally happening. I don't know what I am going to do with myself when everything is done.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Guitar Hero

Paul is addicted to Guitar Hero and I have to say that I actually really enjoy it also. So we decided to take it over to David and Laura's house for Easter. We all had so much fun and are looking forward to the next Guitar Hero party.


Another rainy Easter in Oregon. This was the first year that we decorated eggs and the girls thought it was so much fun. Kate kept trying to eat the dye so by the end of it her hands and mouth were blue. Natalie of course didn't want to get her hands dirty so she used the stirrer that came with the kit.

When the girls got up they got their baskets and a gift to open. Natalie kept saying it's Christmas when I would tell no and before I could tell her it was Easter she would say it's birthday. I couldn't convince her that it wasn't either of those and I got tired of arguing with a 3 year old.

Because it was raining we did an Easter egg hunt inside. Kate actually saw the eggs before Natalie and would point the eggs out to Natalie and let her get them. Kate only picked them up when Natalie was busy getting another egg.

While over at Mimi's and Papa's Kate shoved as much chocolate into her mouth that could possible fit. They got a ton of stuff and loved going over there.


Check out the hair. This is what it looked like right after I took out the curlers. MiMi fixed it and put bows in their hair so we could get pictures taken. Iwill post them when I get them.

The Zoo

We took the girls to the zoo when my cousin Emily came into town. It was a great day, the sun was out and it was only a little chilly. We went in the morning so most of the animals were out and that made it easy for the girls to see them.

Natalie wanted to point everything out to Kate.

Sadie was so wide-eyed. She was such a good baby and I don't think she fussed at all. She just sat back in her stroller and took it all in.

We could never get Kate and Natalie to look up at the same time. I would normally take 5 pictures and if I didn't get both of them looking at me we would just move on and try again later.

Katelyn really enjoyed the animals but she called everything a dog. She is limited on her words so everything at the zoo is a dog. She also loved the glass walls and left her slobber all over it.

It was great to see Emily and Sadie. I didn't take a lot of pictures of all of us hanging out but I will get some when they come back in May. I spent most of my time playing with Sadie and making her laugh. She is a great baby and Aunt Becky could always make her smile. I can say by the end of the trip Kate thought the world of Sadie. She would walk up and poke Sadie then turn around and laugh. Kate also loved that Sadie brought all her baby stuff with her. Kate would empty out the car seat so she could get in it and she got a taste of pacifiers again. She even tried to drink a bottle.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Who needs a plan!!!!

Well, Paul finally got feed up with work and put in his two week notice. I unfortunately will still be working. During Paul's time off he will be working on unfinished projects around the house, finding another job that he wants to do and he will be going back to school. This sounds like a really good list but I know for the first few weeks he probably won't be doing anything but playing "Guitar Hero". We bought the game last week and he plays it every chance he gets. We also bought another guitar so we could play together which is good for me because he totally carries me. I think I made it through one song without being booed off the stage. At least when I play with Paul we can make it through the songs. (just barely) I know Paul will be doing some fishing and maybe a couple of scuba trips while he is off. He told me that he might get use to not working and not want to go back. I told him the only way he could stay home is if he was pregnant and will cook me dinner every night. I think he will be looking forward to going back to work after he gets his "honey do"list. The timing seems to work out well for us because we are having alot of work done to the yard and the house and I was not looking forward to being the one making sure it all got done properly. Now Paul can be the bad guy. Anyways this is what is going on right now and as far as a plan goes that went out the window a long time ago. Most of you know that I am a planner but I have been forced to see that sometimes it is better to just sit back and see what happens.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Plant Earth

Paul bought the Plant Earth series on blue ray and it is amazing. I don't think I have ever seen anything so cool. I am learning so much and some of the places are so beautiful. Natalie even enjoys watching them because she gets to point out all the different animals. I would recommend these to anyone. Someof the people I know watched this on TV but I didn't get the opportunity too so I am just getting to it now.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Great shots

These turned out so good but I didn't get any pictures of the two girls together so when Emily comes up we will take some more. I think that time around I will do the spounge curlers. Maybe I can get some in Kate's hair.

I think Kate looks like a sweet little girl and Natalie looks like a shy quiet little girl and somtimes they do act that way but not all the time.

Group shots

The pictures that we had taken turned out really good. I thought I would post the group shots.

I think the one of all of them looking out the window would look great in black and white.

Sleeping update

Just an update....most of the time Kate sleeps in her bed. Paul puts her to bed once and if she gets up he lets her run around until she decides she is tired. Most of the time she will crawl into her bed and go to sleep but sometimes........

she ends up at the top of the stairs. Hopefully she will learn that the bed is more comfortable then the floor.