Monday, February 25, 2008

The first night

Well, we made it through the first night with Katelyn on her big girl bed. She only woke up once around 10:00pm but then slept the rest of the night. It was great!!! Lately she has been waking herself up because she didn't want to be in her crib anymore. I was getting up almost three times a night. This morning while I was still sleeping both Natalie and Kate got up and played with toys until I woke up. This will be a great routine for all of us if we can stick to it.

1 comment:

Kali Sorensen said...

Yeah! They look so cute in their beds! That would be so nice if they always played in the morning! Mommy needs some sleep. I so miss that. I won't be getting that back for a very long time. so jealous.