Monday, February 25, 2008
The first night
Well, we made it through the first night with Katelyn on her big girl bed. She only woke up once around 10:00pm but then slept the rest of the night. It was great!!! Lately she has been waking herself up because she didn't want to be in her crib anymore. I was getting up almost three times a night. This morning while I was still sleeping both Natalie and Kate got up and played with toys until I woke up. This will be a great routine for all of us if we can stick to it.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
No more baby stuff
It's official there is no more baby stuff in my house. Katelyn has moved into a bed and we took the crib over to MiMi's house. Natalie kept asking where the crib was going when we were moving it and I told her it was going to MiMi's. She didn't understand why so I told her that Emily (my cousin) was coming to visit and Sadie (Emily's daughter) needed to sleep in the crib. Natalie said OK sweety can sleep in it. She can't say Sadie so she calls her sweety. Katelyn actually went right to sleep on her new bed and didn't get up and run around. Awesome!!! You can also see that Katelyn has been picking at the border in the room. I can't wait until I can redecorate the room. Think that will happen late summer or early fall. There is some really cute stuff on Potterybarn for kids but I want to wait until I can take the rails off Katelyn's bed. Also Natalie can finally jump on her bed. As soon as we took the beds apart Natalie and Kate jumped on both beds. When I would tell Natalie to stop jumping on the bed she would say I am not jumping I am bouncing.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Day at the park
It was actually warm and not raining here in Portland so we decided to take the girls to the park. Katelyn was in love with slides and she did it all by herself. There was even a bunch of older kids at the park and Katelyn just pushed her way through to get to the slides. Natalie liked the swings but she was so busy running around trying everything that it was hard to get good pictures. She was acting like she had never been to a park before. We also took Harley and all the kids at the park wanted to play fetch with. When it was time to go Harley was so tried that he could barely walk to the truck. I love the girls at this age. They both wanted to do everything by themselves and Paul and I got to sit back and just watch them play. We would occasionally here Natalie screaming "I'm stuck" and then one of us would have to help her. We had such a good day and it was nice to get out into the sunshine.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Sweet girls

We had some pictures taken of the girls and they turned out so good. These are only a couple of the pictures that were taken and I am so excited to get the rest of them. I think these are the best pictures that have been taken my girls. The same person is hopefully going to be able to take some family photos too. I think that might happen in March and I am so looking forward to that.

Visit with cousins
Kali came to visit so Natalie and Kate got to play with their cousins for a few days. Natalie and Kendalyn ran into some bumps along the road but I think it was funny more then anything. Kendalyn loves to play with barbies and Natalie has never shown any interest at all. I went to Target and got all the kids a toy so I bought Kendalyn a barbie and Natalie a movie. Natalie tried to claim the barbie because she saw that Kendalyn wanted it. At one point Natalie was pulling the barbie by the feet and Kendalyn had the barbie by the head. How the head never popped off I will never know because they were screaming and tugging on the barbie. now that Kendalyn has gone back home Natalie could care less about the barbies at MiMi's house. One of the days they got to play with play dough and as you can tell from the picture Natalie is seeing how it taste. Gross!!!!! Mia was a lot of fun to watch. We were all trying to get her to crawl but she is really happy just doing the army crawl. Mia is also talking, no one was around but I heard her say Becky is my favorite Aunt. Ha Ha. It was good to see them and we look forward to seeing them soon.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Katelyn's pastime
I have always said that Katelyn is my tomboy. Whenever we put the footy pj's on her she unzips them, puts them around her angles and scratches her bum. She does however know when she has a dirty dipar not to stick her hands down there. She is normally watching a movie so the bum scratching goes on for awhile and then we are left with butt crack. She is so cute and she is going to just love these pictures when she gets older
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Swimming lessons Part 2
This is one of the short videos I took during one of her lessons. As you can see she loves it and she is now starting to interact with the other kids in her class. I am so proud of her. I thought she was going to throw fits and not want to play with the other kids. She totally suprised me.
Swimming lessons
Natalie has started swimming lessons!!!! She is doing great and loves the water. She does have a little trouble getting in and out of the pool. As you can see in the picture she is the last one in the pool. She gets on her tummy but then is not sure what to do next. Paul and I went to her first lesson and laughed through almost the whole thing. She can float really well on her tummy but floating on her back is still a little scary. The only thing that Natalie hasn't done that her teachers want her to do is blow bubbles in the water. She has trie a couple of times but mostly just sucked in water.
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