Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The hamster died...

Kate's hamster died....yes I know it lasted less then a month but it was loved while it was here (I think over loved) haha! Natalie was very upset when it wasn't moving but it was still breathing when we got up on its last day. She went to the computer and google searched "how to make a sick hamster feel better". She asked me to read through the search to see what I could do to help it. At that point I had to have the conversation with the girls that the hamster was probably going to die. About an hour later it did so Natalie again went on the Internet and found a picture of a hamster that she thought looked like ours and saved it to her background on the computer. She said she did that so we would never forget what it looked like. Now while Natalie was crying on and off all day Kate was very happy to get a new hamster. It didn't seem to phase Kate that her hamster died she was just ready to go pick out a new one.

 The next day Paul and I asked if we could just throw the hamster in the trash and Kate said that was fine but Natalie didn't want it to end up in a landfill so we buried it in the backyard. I asked if Natalie wanted to say anything before we buried it she said "no" and seemed to be OK with it passing. (which is good)
I should probably say that it died because one, it was a baby so it was really tiny and the girls wanted to play with it all the time so inadvertently it got squashed a couple of times. I think the final stray was the girls let it out in their room but didn't put a towel under the door so it made it's way out into the living area and buster had a couple of mins alone with it. It wasn't dead when I figured out what buster was playing with but it was soaking wet so it defiantly spent some time in his mouth. Two days later it died. We have gotten another hamster but this ones is 4 times the size of the last one and it is really aggressive. It has bitten almost everyone in the house and the girls don't even ask to play with it. So this one might just survive! We are going to try and start handling it with gloves but if it doesn't calm down we might be taking it back and try and get one that is some what in between that last two as far as personality goes.

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