Saturday, October 15, 2011

Natalie turned 7

 I still can't believe that I have a 7 year old daughter. My kids are consistently changing and growing up. Natalie got a bigger bike for her b-day but the most amazing thing is that her favorite color isn't pink anymore. She likes the color blue now......what a sad day that my princess doesn't like pink anymore!
 The party was really small just some neighborhood kids came over for McDonalds and a movie. I told Natalie if she did a small party this year next year we will do a school party. The rules at this school is that if you have a party and give out invitations at school then you have to invite everyone. So next year we will be inviting about 25 kids to a halloween themed party. So I am grateful this year was small.
 Natalie didn't want cake this year she wanted to have doughnuts which is awesome. I love doughnuts but with trying to get healthier they aren't welcome in our house very often.
After the party was over I saw this idea on the Internet. It is a glow stick bath. So I turned off all the lights in my bathroom and let the girls hang out in their glow stick bath for awhile. They thought that was amazing!

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