Friday, April 8, 2011

Girl time

The girls love their sister so much that it drives me crazy on a daily basis. I have been trying to get across to Natalie and Kate that they need to leave Brooke alone sometimes and don't touch her face so much. This has turned out to be an everyday conversation that I have to have with them. Granted they are great helpers and they think Brooke is so cute but sometimes it is overwhelming for me. One of the benefits of having Natalie and Kate close together in age was that Natalie could have cared less about Kate being around.
This is Brooke at 5 weeks. She is going up so fast and she doesn't even look like she did in the hospital in my opinion. She will have blue eyes or maybe a hazel. Natalie has ice blue and Katelyn has brown so I think it is great that all of my kids will have different color eyes. I thought for sure with Paul and I both having brown eyes that all of our kids would have brown but I guess you never know. So far the feedback that I have gotten is that Brooke looks like Paul's sisters. So Natalie looks like me, Kate looks like Paul and Brooke looks like the Martin women. I say we will see.....looks can change from when they are so little.
Katelyn was all in our business when I was trying to get Brooke to sleep so I gave her the camera and this one didn't turn out that bad. I love how pale I look I think this was a week after my last blood transfusion so I was still trying to replenish my blood supply.
With the girls needing some attention I have let them take a few extra bubble baths in my bath and played princess music for them to listen and sing to. Now it is all the ask for when I say it is time to take a shower.
Brooke loves to smile and has done so since the she was about a week old. The only thing she has to be sleeping or just waking up. She just started smiling last week when I talk to her. What a cutie pie. I am so lucky to have three beautiful girls and be able to watch them grow up.
This is the girls helping again. About two seconds later they were in the grass then the girls ran off and left Brooke there. I can tell that it is going to be a hard couple of years for Brooke.
Overall Brooke is an easy baby. She is a good sleeper and will do 7 to 8 hour straight most nights. The only drawback from that is that she won't take a long nap during the day so my house has pretty much taken a backseat. Unless I can get it done in 15 mins it doesn't get done until the weekend when Paul can watch the girls. Brooke is starting to coo and try and talk with me which I love. I know that this is a stupid thing to forget but after not having a baby for awhile I forgot how much of your time is spent holding them when they are this little. I am really enjoying staying home and watching all three of my kids grow.
This is just one of the many funny conversations I have on a daily basis: (I was changing Brooke's clothes)
Kate: Whoa Brooke is fat!
Me: Hey your fat (just kidding and laughing as I say it so I didn't say it to be mean)
Kate: Not as fat as Brooke!

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