Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Our family is getting bigger!!!

We are expecting again!!! So this post will not have any pictures because the ultrasounds that I have had so far you can't even tell that the baby is human so I didn't think there was a point in posting them. I am 10 weeks along and I am not as sick with this pregnancy but I think that is because I get to take it easy in the mornings this time around. I had to work with both Natalie and Kate and with Natalie I was sick till about 5 months and Katelyn all the way to the end. So I am looking forward to enjoying this pregnancy a little more. The girls are really excited about having baby in the house and keep asking me when the baby is going to come out. Natalie thinks it is a girl and wants to name it Jenna and Katelyn flips between boy and girl. I don't think she cares as much as Natalie does. Paul and I both think that it is a girl and I am not saying that hoping that if I keep saying it we will have a boy. I think it would be nice to have a boy just because we don't have one yet and the Martin's are rooting for one but I still think it is a girl. Who really knows though....we will find out soon enough. I did call Paul's grandpa and told him that we were trying for a boy so we could get someone to take the Martin name but he just laughed and said "that is a nice thought but I don't think it is going to happen." I told him I was glad he said that because I think it is a girl too. I have had a few bumps along the way so far but my doctor keeps reassuring me that everything is fine. They have found something on the ultrasound and they are not sure what it is. My doctor is thinking it is a polyp or a cyst but he is not 100%. It just happens to be right next to where the baby attached so in three weeks I will be going in for my third ultrasound and some testing. They are just watching it but the baby is doing fine and growing like normal. I am so excited to start shopping for the baby because we have no baby stuff at all so I get to start all over. The bummer is I have to wait until we move to start buying things because I don't want to move them. Plus there are actually stores in Richland to buy things....what a change from where I am at now. That hasn't stopped me from looking and I do have to say that there is a lot more girl stuff to choose from then boys. My due date is Feb. 28th but I am hoping to schedule my delivery a week early just like my other two but because we are moving I have to find a new doctor and who knows what he will let me do. Anyways we are really excited and can't wait for our new addition!!

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