Saturday, May 15, 2010

One less tooth to worry about...

So I guess I did end up blogging again. It does help that I have something that is blog worthy. Natalie lost her first tooth!!! I put the kids to bed and about ten minutes later I remembered the windows were open so I headed upstairs. Natalie stepped out of the bathroom and had blood running down her chin and all over her hands. I was caught off guard and asked her what had happened. Her hands were shaking and I could see that she was a little scared but no tears. She looked at me and said "I didn't know what happened and I don't want a shot". The last time Natalie went to the doctor she had to get booster shots to get her ready for school. So she thought because she was bleeding she would have to go to the doctor. (like Kate went to the doctor when she cut her eye and it was bleeding) After I got her cleaned up I noticed a tooth was missing. I asked if she had the lost a tooth and she held out her hand and showed it to me. Natalie had never told me that her tooth was loose or that it was bothering her...nothing. She had pulled her own tooth out and was a little shaken but no tears. She is such an independent child that is amazes me sometimes!!! I had to tell her about the tooth fairy and that he leaves money in exchange for the tooth. This was the only way I could get her to go back to bed. Of course Katelyn was looking on saying how disgusting the whole thing was. I told Natalie that a new tooth with grow in its place and she looked at me and said "but there is a hole in my mouth" cute. I really wish I was able to tape Natalie saying she didn't want a shot but at that time I didn't know why she was bleeding so grabbing the video camera wasn't something I was thinking about but it was funny.

1 comment:

Travis and Emily Leavitt said...

I love her very serious face during the whole video.