Sunday, January 3, 2010


I know this is a lame blog but I am so excited that I have to share. I can't wait!!!! Paul and I generally plan out the vacations we want to take for the year during January so we can save money and work out time off work. We have decided during the first part of May we are taking the girls to the beach for about a week. Paul and I camped in a yurt and drove up and down the coast of Oregon seeing just about everything for our honeymoon. I know it sounds like a boring honeymoon but we had a lot of fun and we thought that it is time to do that with the girls. We have told them that we are going to the beach when all the snow melts. Kate informed me that she will stay on the beach and not go in the water....oh Kate. We have only done day trips with the girls or maybe stay over just one night so a week will be great. Next Paul and I are celebrating our 10th anniversary this year. Which now days is a pretty big number. I was asking Paul what he wanted to do and the next day he tells me that he is planning our trip and he is not going to tell me where we are going or anything about the trip. All he told me was that we both need to get in shape for the trip. I automatically freaked out and asked why so I can wear a bikini after my 5 min rant he said what are you talking about. He said that WE need to be in shape to do some of the activities he is planning. I am glad that he understands that after kids on matter how much weight I might lose I will never wear a bikini again. HaHa So Paul and I now have a goal to get into shape this year. I am so glad that he is also doing this with me because it is a lot easier to diet and exercise when I don't have to watch him eat whatever he wants. I have been asking questions about the trip and he has given me a few hints already. He says now matter what he tells me I won't be able to guess what he has planned. I do know that we are not flying (which means I can save my frequent flyer miles to go down and see Emily's new baby...yah). We will be camping some and staying in hotels some. We will not be packing food though........hmmmm. Could be interesting!!!! So that is what we have planned this year....I am so excited for these trips.

1 comment:

A & L said...

The beach for a week sounds awesome, I'm jealous. That is really sweet that Paul is totally planning your anniversary trip! I don't know the last time AJ planned a date, haha.