Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hair cut

So Natalie needed a hair cut, combing through her hair was becoming a nightmare. I started out just cutting about an inch off but I couldn't get it even. I finally called Mimi and asked for help. I figured if I didn't stop then there wasn't going to be any hair left. So instead of one inch it ended up being about 4 inches.

It turned out cute and should be nice for the summer. We are also growing her bangs out that she cut awhile ago

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

We are going to Disneyland!!!!

I am so excited that I can hardly stand it. We are going to Disneyland over Mother's Day weekend!! I already got my Mother's day gift this is just an added bonus that worked out. I have never been so I will be just as thrilled as the girls. The part I am most looking forward to is getting my mouse ears. When Paul and I decided to go, Paul started talking about all the rides he is going to ride and I started packing a week and a half early. When I was a kid all my friends went on vacations to Disneyland at some point. They all had cool Disneyland souvenirs that I never got. So I have started my list. I will be making up for lost time. There is a Disneyland commercial where two kids can't go to sleep because they are to excited because they are going to Disneyland the next day, my cousin Emily says that is Paul and I. Sad but true. I have sort of thought about the girls having a good time but it is like Paul and I are thinking how much fun we will have and oh ya the girls can have fun too. I never thought I would be so over the top about Disneyland. It better not rain or I will never go on another vacation Hawaii.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sentimental Stuff

This weekend Paul and Natalie are going out to dinner and a movie. There is a Disney movie out about machines and I think they are going to McDonald's. This is the first father daughter night out. I think it is so cute and sentimental. My kids are getting so big and I love it when we get to start doing new stuff but it makes me a little sad because they aren't babies anymore. Katelyn and I will be playing with play dough or making cookies. I am looking forward to spending time with each kid.


We got a new addition to our family. His name is Buster and he is a rot mix. We got him from a shelter so we need to take him to the vet before we can determine his age. They told us he was between 5-7 months. When we asked Natalie if she would like a puppy she said "yes I want a new one." After we picked him out we asked Natalie what she wanted to name him and she said "pink". We settled on Buster. He is really good with kids and doesn't mind when Nat and Kate pull at him. I think he will fit in perfectly.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Garden Time

Paul decided that it was time to start planting seeds so we could get the garden going. Paul had Natalie help him plant the seeds. I think when Paul wasn't looking Natalie mixed some of the seeds so the plants coming up might be a new breed. Paul bought Natalie some sunflower seeds and she is very excited to see them grow.

Beach Babies

There has been one good weather weekend here so far this year so we decided to go to the beach. The girls actually had a lot of fun. The last time we went to the beach Natalie was afraid of the water and the wet sand, this time was so much better. Katelyn was OK until she fell in the water.

The girls ran up an down the sand the entire time we were there. They're shoes lasted about two seconds before they took them off, then we had to force them back on.

After the beach we went to the mall and did some shopping. By the end the girls were hashed. We grabbed lunch and headed home. It was over all a great day.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


So I got contacts and I love them!!! I love being able to see without glasses. It will be great to go to a restaurant and read the menu. Sometimes in the past I have forgotten my glasses and Paul has had to read the menu for me. I just have to get use to taking them out and putting them in. Currently it takes me about 15 mins each time. I can't stop blinking. We also had a little miss hap with Natalie about a week ago. Nat has a habit of climbing up her dresser drawers to get a new pair of underwear from the top drawer. Natalie has to have a new pair of underwear every time she goes potty, even when they aren't dirty. We are slowly breaking her of this habit. Anyways back to the dresser. Paul said he heard a thump and went to go see what it was and Natalie had pulled the dresser down on top of her. I asked him if her head was sticking out and he said no two little feet were. As a result she got a big bruise on her cheek. I haven't seen her climbing her dresser since. Since we have started cleaning up the backyard Katelyn loves to play outside. She throws a fit when it is time to come in. This weekend we will be putting together the play area. I am sure when that's up she will never want to come in. Along with the playing outside she now gets a bunch of scratches and bruises all over her. I think Paul loves staying at home with the exception that he gets bored every now and then. When it is raining he can't go outside and work so that is when he gets bored. He also has a job interview this week which he think might be to early to go back to work but oh well. I was hoping to get in a vacation for Paul and I before he went back to work which if this job isn't what he wants we still might. We are taking the kids to the beach this weekend so we can get away with them. It should be interesting because last time Natalie was afraid of the water and Kate was too young to understand so no fear had set in yet. This was just a general update about things that had happened lately. I am on a really bad schedule at work right now so I haven't been able to talk with anyone very much. I think next week I will be back to my normally schedule.

Peas in a Pod

The girls just love hanging out with dad now that he is around the house all the time. When Natalie and Paul are sitting right next to each other you can totally see that they look nothing alike but Natalie is a daddy's girl. Now when Kate sits next to Paul they are like peas in a pod. The older she gets the more she looks like Paul but Kate loves everyone evenly. I wonder what a third child would look like. Kate and Nat are so different that it would be interesting if a third one would be a blend of both Paul and I.

My Heroes

The girls having been dying to try guitar hero. What cute little rockers!!!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

New pics

These are pictures that we had taken when my cousin Emily and her daughter Sadie came up to Oregon to visit. I think they are very artistic pictures, they will look great with the other ones I had taken a few months ago. I plan on putting them on the wall up the stairs. I will have to see if they look better in black and white or color.