Saturday, December 10, 2011

The little nugget....

 My Brooke is such a happy, busy and full of fun baby. We had her 9 month dr. appointment and she was 95% in height and 90% in she is healthy!
 She loves blankets and pillows. For fun I cover the living room floor with blankets and pillows and put Brooke in the middle of it. Every time I do this she gets the biggest smile on her face and just rolls around wrapping and unwrapping herself in the blankets.
 We have started eating as a family now. Depending on the meal of course Brooke is now eating real food. She loves it and it is helping her sleep through the night.
 I know this isn't probably very good for her but this is how Brooke watches TV when she really likes what is on. She loves Super Why on PBS and will stand like this for the full half hour. I have tried to sit with her on the floor but she won't have anything to do with that. Oh well.
Right now Brooke is crawling all over and is getting ready to start walking. The last couple of days she has started to stand up from a sitting position all by herself. We only understand a couple of her words but she loves to talk and she jibber jabbers all the time. She loves to follow her sisters around and gets really mad when they close their doors so she can't get in their rooms. At the same time Natalie tends to treat Brooke like her baby and that she knows what is best for. I do love that Natalie is so involved with Brooke that it is very helpful to me at times. Katelyn just loves to play with her and get her going. Brooke will scream and then Kate will scream and Brooke sees this as a game and keeps screaming and Kate would not be Kate if she didn't keep yelling back. This could happen at any time in the day. We love this little nugget and are so glad that she is a member of our family.

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