Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My kids

I love my girls!!! They are so cute and I can't get enough of them....today. HaHa We had some pictures done and they turned out. This was the first time that any pictures of me and my kids actually turned out. My girls don't sit still very long which makes it difficult and to ask them to smile at the same time that is just silliness. I love how different they look. It reminds of how they are different in every way. I can't wait to have a third and she what she looks like.....maybe auburn hair. I am not a fan of red hair but I will take auburn.....and green eyes.....one can dream.


I got the girl's costumes in the mail today and I couldn't help it I had to dress them up. Only because I needed to make sure that they fit...of course. Every thing fit really well except Natalie's shoes so we will need to return them at the Disney store. Hopefully they will have her size because they are so cute and make the outfit. I don't care for the veil so I think that will go...plus you can't see her face with that on. They are going to be so cute on Halloween when I have their hair done and really get them dressed up. This was the first year that they got to pick out what they wanted to be and they were so excited when they came in the mail. I have put them back in the box and hopefully won't be touched for another two months.

Cupcakes and cousins

My kids got to spend some time with their cousins Michael and Taylor. The first night Michael and Natalie were laying in her bed playing with their leapsters and ended up falling asleep. It was so cute.
One of the mornings we made cupcakes everyone got to help stir and pick out which paper cupcake holders they wanted to use. Then everyone frosted them and then I made the mistake of bringing out the sprinkles. At that point I lost control and sprinkles were everywhere. I was cleaning up sprinkles for a week straight.

Uncle Amos

Kate loves her uncle Amos. When ever the family gets together for anything and I look back through the pictures I can always find a picture of Kate being carried by uncle Amos or sitting in his lap. I think she is going to be terribly upset if Amos has his own kids and carries them around instead of her.