Saturday, June 21, 2008

Kate's 2!!!!!!

I can't believe my youngest is already two!!! Her birthday was great and I found this place in Portland that specialize in cupcakes. I thought it would be a little different and something special for Kate.

She loved the gifts that she got and Natalie was right on her tail to help her play with them. Kate played with toys for about a day but then Natalie had to have her turn. Thanks to everyone for coming and enjoying her party!

Cute little Sadie

Sadie is such a cute smiley baby.
Even when she is eating a pickle.....

Or just hanging out.....

What a cutie!!!!

Time with Sadie

This trip was completely different from any other trips where my girls got to spend time with their cousin Sadie. Natalie wanted to play with her all the time and she was always piling toys in front of Sadie so she would always have toys to play with. She also wanted to hold her this time too. Natalie was really into babies and it was so sweet to she her play with Sadie.
Katelyn in the past never wanted anything to do with babies and would take the toys away from them. This time she tried to tickle Sadie and even sat next to her a lot. The only bad part was that she wanted to help Sadie by trying to put the pacifier in her month but she couldn't get it in her month. Kate was pushing on her face and Sadie was moving her month around and they never seemed to match up. Half the time Kate pushed to hard and Sadie was down on the floor. At least this time Kate made an attempt to play with Sadie.

Friday, June 20, 2008


We also went to the beach while Emily was in town and what a trip that was. It started out with Katelyn getting car sick and sour milk sick on top of that. The car smelled so bad. We had to pull over and take Kate's clothes of scrub the car seat and try and get rid of the smell. We pulled over at so empty building that had an old trash bin so I grabbed everything to thrown it away and all I needed was Emily to open the lid. Of course Emily was to big of a chicken so I had to stand there and argue with her about lifting the lid until Mimi walked over and did it for me. Thanks Emily!!!! HaHa

When we did get to the beach it was a lot of fun and Aunt Lulu ran around in the water with girls. Kate was into throwing sand this time which wasn't so good for her cousin Sadie. Poor thing!!!! The day was great and the weather at the beach was a little cooler then I would have liked but it was a good day. I also stopped reading the twilight books to do this trip but I thought about it the whole time. HaHa

Enchanted Forest

I had never been to Enchanted Forest so we loaded up the girls, Mimi, and my cousin Emily and her daughter and went. It was a lot of fun. I do have to point out that most of the little plastic people around the park look kind of creepy. The best part was the crocked house (I think) both the girls and I had trouble walking through that one. There were some slides that the girls went down and a few kiddie rides they went on. It was a good day and nice weather. We didn't go down any of the bigger rides but I figured Paul and I could take the girls another time.

The great Aunt Em

My girls love it when Aunt Em comes to visit. They always get their toes painted and get more candy during that time then I probably give them the rest of the year. We always get to go to some cool places in Oregon that Emily use to go to as a kid that I might not know about.

Katelyn has always seemed to love when Emily comes to town because she gets to use baby stuff again. She always tries to find where the baby stuff has been stashed so she can get into it.
We had a blast while my cousin Emily was in town and she is so patient with my little monsters. Thanks a million.


I love the twilight series!!! So much more then I problem should. They are good books that I can't put them down. I am so excited for the 4Th and final book to come out in August. I need to know how this ends. I know these books were written for high school age people so I guess that totally shows how immature I am. HaHa. I took about a week to read the books but I was so into the third one that I read that one in a day. Thank you to my husband for watching kids and for watching them when the last book comes out.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Natural light

I love the natural light outside when I take pictures. I took about 50 pictures and only a couple turned really good. I am trying to work on taking better pictures. I love the candid shots of the girls. I prefer candid shots rather then posed. Plus my kids don't sit still long enough for me to try and pose them. Also they both don't look in the same direction at the same time. The girls love the summer time even though we have only had a few good days so far this year. I think I want to try and get a new camera sometime soon. There are a few more features that I want to try that I don't have on our current camera. I hope the weather stays good for a couple more days so I can get some pictures of the girls with their cousin Sadie.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Natalie is completely potty trained. She no longer wears pull-ups to bed. We started this about a week ago and no accidents from the get go. I know the picture looks posed, that's because it is. I wanted to document this step somehow. I tried to get Natalie to look at the pull-up with a disgusted face but she didn't quite understand. Now we just need to get Katelyn potty trained and then we are done. Hopefully Katelyn will learn quickly.