Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Random again.....

Just some random photos that make me smile. Natalie is hitting the stage where she doesn't really want me to take her photo. Even when I get their photos taken, there are at least a couple photos of Natalie rolling her eyes. The photographer has even made comments....hahaha! Kate is a little better but slowly moving in that directions too. So thank goodness I still have Brooke.

 We had pudding for a snack and that means it should go every where right? Kate and Nat didn't want to be too close to her even for a photo! Can't blame them.

 Lunch with Lotso!
 She loves her little people. Best toys ever in this little girl's mind!

 Sawyer and Brooke at graduation. The best part of the picture below is that it actually looks like we cage our kids!

 Yep this is happening! This is all she wears when she picks out her outfit. Love it!
 Brooke would throw fits when I would do her hair. Then Kate started playing with her hair and using the toy hair stuff and now I can brush her hair and put it up without too much of a fight. Best thing ever!

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