Saturday, October 15, 2011

growing up

Brooke is growing up so fast! She can now sit up all on her own. We had a week of her sitting up and thinking everything was OK and then she would lose her balance and fall straight back. I think after a few times of it hurting herself she got the hang of it and now is a pro.
 After the girl's shower and it is time to get pjs on all I ever hear is I don't have any can I wear one of your shirts. Most of the time I have to admit there is a good chance I haven't done laundry and they don't have any pjs but this time I just finished all the laundry in the house (and folded it too). So now I know they just prefer to look like slobs. I need to stop wasting money on pjs. haha
 Brooke now can sit up in her crib so this weekend we will be moving the bed lower. She is not a baby anymore! As you can notice her hair is still out of control. It almost looks like does look better when I pull it up into a ponytail.
 The cutie loves her baths now that she can roll over and sit up in there she has all kinds of fun. I just love the little naked bum. OK maybe not so little but that just makes it more adorable.


Travis and Emily Leavitt said...

Ohh she is getting so big! I want to see her so bad.It makes me so happy to see Brooke in Sadie's baby clothes.
P.S. I love how long Kate's hair is I am very jealous. Don't be a whore and cut it hahaha.

Becky Martin said...

This whore is tired of combing food out of it. She doesn't take care of it at all. haha