Thursday, November 5, 2009


The girls were Tinkerbell and Jasmin for Halloween. This was the first year they got to pick out their own costumes. That is why Natalie who is blond and pale got to be Jasmin who has long black hair and olive skin. I am hoping I can have more of a say next year but I think the years of my opinion mattering are fading fast. We went round to some of the family first who never get trick or treaters but always buy one bag of candy just in case.
We stayed in Parkdale to do the trick or treating which was really nice because it was cold and the girls didn't last very long. I took the time to curl the girls hair and and pin it to the top of their heads. Of course Paul's reaction was why do you need to do everything so over the top. What else am I going to do...and I know he loves the reactions from people when they say how cute his girls are. Paul also helped the girls go through their candy to make sure that everything was sealed properly and I think to check out which ones he wanted too.

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