Thursday, September 11, 2014

The holidays are coming!!

I am not sure why but it seems that every year I get really excited about one holiday. Last year was Halloween.....we did really cute costumes, got pictures taken in them and bought a bunch of new decorations for the house. I was really looking forward to the day and it was such a fun time. This year I could care less about Halloween and will probably go to target a few days before and buy costumes. hahaha! Fall is my favorite time of the year so I have loved decorating for Thanksgiving and buying all the good smelling candles. Oh and let us not forget about the food! The one day of the year that I allow myself to eat all the stuffing I can possible shove into my face! However this year will be pretty simple....just us and I have to fly out of town the day afterwards so nothing to get over joyed about. So by process of elimination I am sure you have figured out that this year Christmas already has me wanting to do cartwheels!!

 I bought our first fake tree last year and I have to say I love it. Now I need to buy the tree skirt that I have always wanted but never bought because who wants to spend that much money on something that gets tree sap, pine needles and water all over it. Yay excited!!!
 If I could I would get one of these for my front porch. Love the look of it and it just seems so Christmas! I will have to hold on to the picture for a few more years because unless it drops into my lap it is sadly not in the budget this year but how cute is it?!?!?
 I need new stocking holders.....heavy ones too. I have floated between some that I don't love for the last few years and while I am excited about the holiday I can't help but do some browsing.
 The polar express is something I am really excited about! As long as the girls' basketball games don't interfere with it we are planning on going to Mt hood the first weekend of December to ride the polar express! They get to wear their PJ's on the train and they get hot chocolate and cookies. As a gift they get to keep their golden ticket that has been punched out, their hot chocolate mugs and a silver bell from Santa. I should have done this when we lived there but I don't think I was excited about Christmas that year. hahaha
 I haven't had a centerpiece for my table since I had kids....tiny hands get into everything! This year I am determined to do so. I love the look of cranberries but hate the taste so why not use them for decoration. I want to do something with them and if Brooke decides to get her tiny hands in there it's not going to kill her. I will have to keep thinking on that one!
This last photo is of Leavenworth. Paul and I went a couple years back for Oktoberfest and it was amazing. I know there seems to be a crap load of people in the photo above but they have done this for so many years that you don't even notice it really because things tend to run smoothly. This year we are taking the girls to the festival of lights. There is a horse drawn sleigh that they can ride and other fun family activities. I think they will just love all of the lights. Super excited!!!
I know they post seems rather "what am I going to buy and things we are going to do" but we have also decided to take the girls to the Macy's tree and have the girls pick out a toy that need to be bought and they have to use their money to buy it. I want the girls to understand the giving side of things and what better way then to have them pay for the gift. I think the lesson will hit home more then if I were to just pay for it. We have also talked about leaving goodies on the front step ringing the doorbell and running! The girls think this will be fun but I think now days I need to leave a note on the inside saying "The goodies are from the martins and ok to eat" hahahahaha. Yes, I realize I am already talking to my kids about you remember the cartwheels I was talking about!