Saturday, September 4, 2010

First day of school

Life living in a hotel has been interesting. Below is a picture of the first day Natalie got to go to her school. We had orientation the day before school started to get the kids and parents a little familiar with the school. Getting ready in a hotel and living out of a suitcase just makes me look forward to being in the house that much more. Natalie has so much personality these days that it just makes me laugh....sometimes. I was so proud of Kate this week because with a lot of the attention being on Natalie she held strong and didn't throw fits. She was actually very excited for Natalie and loved just walking through the process with her.We had to sit in the truck and wait for the bus to come and we will be doing that for the next two weeks of school. I asked Natalie if she wanted me to drive her and pick her up from school but she said she was a big girl and wanted to ride the bus. So in the truck we will sit. She was so excited when she saw the bus coming down the street that I had to remind her to stay on the sidewalk. The bus driver was so nice that she let me take a picture of Natalie on the bus. Natalie was so excited for school and loved her first day. She got to pick out what she was going to wear and how she wanted her hair done. We did braids the night before because she wanted the wavy hair. When we got to the school the kids had to line up against the wall and I noticed that Natalie was almost a full head taller then all the other kids. I had to laugh because that was the way it was for me too. Most of the day went pretty smoothly except her bus ride back home the bus broke down. So Kate and I sat in the truck for an extra 40 mins waiting for her to show up. Later that night she told me that she made lots of friends but she didn't like the bus driver. I asked her why and she said because she makes us sit in our seats and we can't hang our hands out the windows. It must be hard to have to follow rules....haha.

Almost done!!!!!

The house is almost finished!!! We have only two and a half weeks before we can move in. I walked through the house last week and this is what it looks like so far. We are so excited and I love the way the house is turning out.
The girls walked through with me and enjoyed seeing the house starting to look like a home. The last time we walked through the walls had just been put up so this was a big change. The picture above is the girl's bathroom. They had fun going through their bathroom and their bedrooms.
This is the kitchen and you can see part of the dining room. They were finishing up the tile work last week and the kitchen was the last room. They were very busy so we didn't get to stay long and I was hoping to see the kitchen tile done but they still had the bar and the back splash to do. The tile is suppose to be done next week so when we are out there again I think I will walk through again and take a peek.
This is the master bath and I am loving the space!! Doesn't Natalie look thrilled...haha.
I had to take a picture of the closet space in the girl's bedroom. It is just so much more space then I have been use to and I don't even think I have enough stuff to fill it. (which is an awesome feeling) We are so excited to move into our new home and have life be a little simpler. The backyard is due to be done the week we move in so I will be able to just sit back and enjoy my home. Wahoo!!