Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Two weeks with my family

I got to spend a couple of weeks with my family when my cousin Garrett returned home from his mission. We were all staying in one house and.....we made it!! We had a great time and the following pictures will attest to that.
We went to the zoo again. I think we all love the zoo and every time we go the kids are a little older and enjoy it a little more. Love this picture of Tessa.
Lately when I tell Natalie to put her arm around Katelyn for a picture it looks like she is putting her in a choke hold.
Natalie wanted to go driving so bad and lucky for her Aunt Emily wanted to go too.
Sadie needed some warm up time before she felt OK with the jungle gym.
Kate followed Kendalyn around because she would help her get up and down on the different levels. Natalie just took off. A big thanks to Kendalyn!!! Waiting for Garrett....I only got a few pictures because the battery on my camera was just about out.
Sadie showing off her table manners.
Mia and her crazy faces.....she is a girl with personality bursting out of her. She is so funny and I love just sitting and watching her.

This is our life now.....

I thought these were just really cute pictures and it is very telling. We spend a lot of time on the lawn tractor now and the girls are even getting into it.

Lost Lake

We spent a Saturday as a family at one of the lakes that is close by to our new house. There are a bunch of lakes and walking paths around our house and the girls are having a blast with there new surroundings.
Even Buster is enjoying himself.


This summer has definitely been the summer of family. We have enjoyed several event this summer with my family and also the Martin family. It started with Kate's birthday and just kept going. Next was the Forth of July and a bunch of my in-laws came over to the house so we could all do our fireworks together. It was a lot of fun and my kids love playing with theirs cousins.

A Few months ago......

I know it has been too long since I have posted but couple of months ago Kate turned 3!!
We had a Mickey Mouse and friends themed party and had a bunch of family show up.
Kate being the picky eater that she is doesn't really care for cake, ice cream or cookies so we went with with donuts. We had a great time and the house was sort of ready for company. We had just moved two weeks before.