Sunday, May 17, 2009

Outside fun

The warm weather is finally here!!! We bought the girls a bubble machine to help occupy their time outside while Paul and I worked on the house
It was so nice out that after the girls played with the bubble machine for awhile we decided to break out the sprinkler.
The girls had a lot of fun and I didn't really work that hard outside because I was to busy taking pictures.
The benefit of playing outside all day is the crash at night. It was an early bedtime which aloud me to blog tonight.

Mother's Day

I got my first homemade mother's day gift. Natalie made me Popsicle stick frame at school. I am so proud of this gift now the trick it to keep it without the girls breaking it. I had a good mother's day. Paul let me sleep in till 11:00 and made the kids breakfast. I got an iphone and they girls got me gift certificates for some itunes. They rest of the day we spent packing and cleaning and getting the house ready to put on the market. We are so busy lately that no matter what holiday comes up no one gets a full day off. Over all it was a good day!!!

School Pictures

Natalie had school pictures and they turned out so good. She actually smiled!!!! She never smiles for pictures. I think the key was that I was not there. They also took graduation pictures and I bought so many pictures it was out of control. I know that it is over the top because she still has one more year of pre-school but what can I say it is my first time with school pictures.

Teacher's week

It was teacher's week a couple of weeks ago and one of the days you were suppose to get a small gift for your teacher. So Natalie and I went to the mall and spent the day shopping for little things to put in a basket. It was a lot of fun and Natalie was thrilled the day was just about her. We went into See's candies to get e box of chocolates and they were giving out samples. Natalie took her sample and inhaled the whole thing a once. It was funny cause it was to big that Natalie couldn't even chew so she was drooling chocolate all over the store.