Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have finally found a babysitter for my girls. It is my fault that it took so long (to picky) but I have one now that I completely trust. We have always used my Aunt and while there is no replacement for Mimi it is nice to have someone close by and who can watch them at our house. I have had a couple babysitters in the past but I always had a uneasy feeling about them. I figured you can't be to careful when it comes to your kids. Natalie gets so excited when Paige comes to visit and Kate being Kate doesn't really care who is watching her. Paul and I are happy because we get to get out more now. Paige also has a younger sister so when she gets to old and wants to start doing things with her friends on the weekends we have a backup.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Posed pictures

I took the kids to kiddie kandids to get the traditional posed pictures and they turned out OK. Natalie is going through a phase when she smiles she pulls her chin in and wrinkles her nose. These are the very tame pictures some of Natalie's face expressions were over the top.
Kate got her hair cut recently but I think we might cut it again. She is still getting all kinds of food in it and it still gets in her way.

Funky hair

Natalie had funky hair day at school and she wanted to put as many bows in her hair as she possible could. I think she had a headache by the end of school.


The girls are really into their forts lately. Everyday after I leave for work the girls tear apart the dining room and drag down every blanket they can find. This fort is actually a car. Natalie was sitting in front driving and Kate was supposed to be in the car but she kept getting out. Natalie was yelling at Kate that she was not allowed to get out until the car stops. Also notice that they are still in their PJ's, haven't taken a bath and their hair is not done and I am about two mins away from walking out the door to work. I would like to say this is a rare occasion but that would be a lie. We spend so much time in our PJ's at our house!!! That's how we roll!!!