Friday, October 31, 2008

Natalie's pictures

Natalie has really taken a interest in the camera. She took a couple pictures on Halloween and they turned out pretty good. She has taken some others that surprisingly about 50% of the time she takes a picture of what she is aiming at. For someone who hates to have her picture taken I would think this would be the last thing she would want to do. The one picture of Paul is him stealing her candy. The last picture Natalie didn't take but I forgot to add it to the Halloween post. Kate was having problems lifting her bucket by the end of the night.


We had a great time on Halloween and the girls got a ton of complements on their costumes. They never once said trick or treat but every time they got a piece of candy they said thank you. Natalie had some slippery shoes on and fell a couple of times so she couldn't run from house to house as fast as Katelyn could.
It only took Kate one house and she understood what was going on and what she needed to do to get more candy.
After we were done with trick or treating we headed over to Mimi and Papa's house. Like every other grandma Mimi loaded the girls up with candy and gave them a cupcake too. Paul and I had too limit the sugar intake or they would have been throwing up all night. Thanks to Mimi and Papa we have enough candy to last us for the rest of the year. Paul will be eating most of it so the thank you is really from him.

Lulu and AJ

This is my cousin Lindsey and her husband AJ and I would like to say they dressed up for Halloween but they look like this everyday. J/K . What a funny couple...thanks for the laugh.

Katelyn's new word

Katelyn now feels the need to tell everyone when she has farted. On Halloween she was at a door and she got the candy she said "thank you and I farted" to the lady at the door. The lady just laughed as we walked away.

Pet shop

We took Natalie and Kate to the local pet store to see what pets they might like. Paul and I are thinking about getting them a pet for Christmas. They loved the store and ran through it the first time screaming. Thank goodness there was a group of kids there on a field trip so that helped drown out so of the screams of excitement from my kids. After they calmed down we went through the store again and they really liked the reptiles. (Gross) I think I might get them some lizards in my house. Also you can see in the video that Natalie has decided that she can make up words for things now. We have no idea where she got the word snaggle from and why only some lizards are called snaggles and others are called lizards.

PJ day

Natalie's pre-school didn't have a Halloween party but they had pajama day. Everyone was suppose to come in their pj's and slippers. Natalie didn't quite understand this concept because every time I told her that she was going to wear her pj's to school she would say "no mom I need to get dressed I'm not suppose to wear this to school. After a long conversation back and forth I just told her to get in the car. As soon as she got back to the house she ran upstairs and got dressed. You can tell from the pictures that she was not pleased about wearing pj's to school. I couldn't even get the smallest smile out of her.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Good times

These are the last pictures of our weekend. Paul walked in about two minutes later. We had a great weekend and had a lot of fun. The only thing that is kind of a bummer is that I have to go to work tomorrow. I am so tried and worn out from the weekend that I need another weekend before I go back to work. I love the weekends that we get to spend together just us girls.

Girls weekend continued.....

On the third day that Paul was still on his trip we got up had a big breakfast and then went to the park. The girls had a lot of fun and we found a park that no one was at. We stayed for about two hours and got good and tried so when we got home we all crashed.
Later that night after dinner we did an art project. We melted crayons with an iron on wax paper. I brought the wrong kind of paper so it didn't work as well as it should of but oh well.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Just the Girls

Paul went on a scuba trip this weekend so it was just the girls. I wanted to do some fun things with the kids. After taking a bath and cleaning the house, we made some Halloween cupcakes. My girls love making cupcakes cause there is some much that they get to help with. Next we went to Target to pick up the last of the things we need for the Halloween costumes.
Then we went to McDonald's for lunch and to burn off a little energy. After that we needed to go to Mimi's house to pick up a few things and stayed for a little while to play.
By the end of the day they were bushed I was hoping to make it home without them falling asleep but no such luck. It always amazes me how kids can sleep in the most uncomfortable positions.

Field Trip

Natalie had her first field trip with her pre-school class. They went to a local pumpkin patch. This trip really helped her get a little more comfortable with her class. I thought I was totally OK with Natalie getting bigger and gaining more independence but I was wrong. The second I saw Natalie get on the bus I started to cry. All I could think was how big she was getting and pretty soon she won't want to talk to me because I am just her stupid mom. It was a very sad day for me but Natalie had a blast at the pumpkin patch.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

Natalie got the movie Sleeping Beauty for her birthday. It was a gift that both her and Kate would like and can't fight over. When Natalie opened it and set it down Kate got a hold of it and couldn't quite say Sleeping Beauty.

Turning 4!!!

Natalie turn 4 with a bang. We had a great party over at Mimi and Papa's house. We celebrated Papa and Natalie's birthdays together they are only two days apart. I made some cupcakes but the big dessert was sundaes. We had all kinds of toppings to choose from. She got a ton of gifts it was like Christmas there. My cousin Lindsey and her husband AJ were there to help us celebrate (Aunt Lulu and Uncle AJ to Natalie). It was great to have them there because they helped put all the toys together. This time Kate was more then willing to help open presents and tried her best to take over all the baby stuff that Natalie got. Thanks to everyone and we have only had a few fights over the new toys.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Natalie's list

Paul and I laughed over this and I am so glad I was taping it. Of course she got nothing she said she wanted in this video

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Haircut #2

Natalie found another pair of scissors the day after we took her to the hair salon and got the first haircut fixed. It is hard to see in the pictures but she has 1/2 inch spikes towards her forehead. Then there are a bunch of other little uneven hair. If she cuts her hair again Paul's says we should pig shave her.