Saturday, May 31, 2008

Cute Store

I found a cute kids clothing store online. It is kind of expensive but it has really cute outfits. I am hoping I can get some of the outfits when they go on clearance. The website is They also have a variety of other things. Check it out I am a fan.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Sex and the City

I saw the Sex and the City movie tonight and I was really excited to see it. For all the trailers I saw before the movie I thought I already knew just about everything that was going to happen but there were some good twists. I think it wrapped everything up well but I don't think they should make another one. I think that would be dragging it out so hopefully it is just rumors that there might be another movie.

Everyone wants to be a princess

The girls have been sick this last week but that doesn't stop them from wanting to be princesses. Ever since we got back from Disneyland they have spent more time in their princess clothes. Natalie is the master mind behind this too. She helps Kate take her clothes off (if she is wearing any at the time) and put on the dress. Kate doesn't seem to mind to much anymore.

Friday, May 23, 2008


We got some temp tattoos in the mail and the girls thought they were stickers and wouldn't leave me alone until they got to wear them. As soon as I put it on Kate she tried to pick it off and after about an hour she was finally OK with it. Natalie thought it was cool but ran to her room and said she needed to wear the "Belle" dress with it. Hers is Mickey Mouse so how Belle fits in I don't know. Anyways they only last 7 days so they will be off soon.

It goes on

Still a least she keeps her shoes on!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


We are in the final stages of putting the play area together for the girls. I love having this because the girls run around all day and sleep so much better at night. Plus they go to bed earlier and that means more free time for me.

Kate's free

Kate loves to be naked. She is going through a phase right now where she is totally happy wearing nothing. I took this picture five minutes after I got her dressed for bed. When she comes out of her room in the morning she has already taken her PJ's off. She has also decided that if her diaper is wet or poopy she doesn't want to wear it anymore and will take it off and walk away. We are starting potty training next week. I think it is time.


We got a new living room set. The old couches we had were on their last legs. One of the couches actually had wood planks in it so when you sat on it you didn't fall to the floor. The other one we have had since Paul and I got together which is about 8 and 1/2 years. It was time to upgrade. I finally was able to convince Paul that not everyone like to sit on old couches that are falling apart. The truck is in the shop right now so the couches are on the front porch until we get the truck back so we can take them to the dump. When we moved the first couch to the front porch Paul said and I quote this would make a good seat for the porch. I had to stop myself from killing him right then and there. I hope he was kidding I didn't reply at all I just walked off. Anyways I am so excited about the new furniture. It is a little bigger then I remember in the store but our living room is a little awkward and I think if we ever move into a house with a normal living room it will look great.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Great Vacation

We had a great time in Disneyland. We spent the whole time in Disneyland and just walked through Disney Cal. We were thinking the next time we go down the girls will be older and can ride more of the rides in Disney Cal. The girls got to sit with the princess' and get their picture taken.

Natalie loved all of the roller coasters. She went on the star wars one with Paul because they both like stars wars. I took her on splash down and right before we went down the big drop Natalie yelled "are you ready." Everyone in the boat laughed and couldn't believe this little girl was so excited to go on this ride. After we got off Natalie said I need a towel.

Katelyn only went on handful of rides and didn't enjoy them very much. Paul thought she would be OK to ride Haunted Mansion but that didn't go so well and I was the lucky one holding her. But I think she still had a good time over all.
Towards the end of the trip we met up with some of my family and Natalie got to spend time with her cousin Kendalyn. They were inseparably. We had a great time and can't wait to go again. I do have to say that the fireworks show and the parade were alot of fun to watch.