Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Snap shot

We took a really quick picture of the family (including the dog) Christmas Eve morning. This is the only picture that we were all looking the same way (except the dog).

Pretty in pink

Gotta love it!!!!!!

Christmas Eve at my aunt's house

We spent Christmas Eve with Meme and Papa. Meme read a short version of the Christmas story. Natalie was able to listen to the whole thing but Katelyn popped in and out. Then came time to open presents. Laura was giving the gifts to Natalie so she could pass them out. She passed out two gifts and turned around and asked "what about me". She had a blast opening presents this year. Katelyn was done after two and just wanted to play with the toys not open them anymore.

Hair bows

I've been told that girls are suppose to where hair bows all the time so I am working on it. Natalie loves it when she gets to do all the girly stuff but it just doesn't fit on Katelyn. She is my tom boy and the bows only last as long as I am taking pictures.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Picture with Santa

At least they aren't crying!!!! They were both being very shy and didn't want to look up. I think if I would have left them on his lap much longer they would have burst into tears. So I will take what I can get.

Christmas dresses

The girls got dressed up and their hair done so they could go see Santa. These are the dresses that Meme made for them and the girls just love them.

Curly Sue

I have decided to pass on the tradition of the sponge curlers. Natalie didn't really pull at them and she didn't complain at all. I asked her to show me her curls and she kept tipping her head down and showing me the top of her head.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Reno trip

Paul and I went to Reno for a quick weekend trip. It was great to get away and relax right before Christmas. We also had our picture drawn!!! That is what we would look like if we were cartoons. Paul brought his computer so he could play his games while I caught up on some much needed rest. I am not a fan of the picture of the two of us but it was the only one that turned out. Hopefully there will be better ones soon.

Sleeping Babes

They look so cute when they are sleeping and the house is so quiet.

Then they wake up!!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The girls

The girls are getting so big!!! Katelyn loves to watch cartoons. She is such a couch potato. Natalie wants her picture taken all the time but we only get smiles about half the time. I love hearing the two of them play together. They are starting to laugh at the same things and play with toys together. Natalie is playing a lot of make believe. She has tried to get Kate to drink from an imaginary cup but Kate doesn't understand quite yet.

Trip to Vegas

I went down to Las Vegas to see Sadie (my niece....my cousin Emily's daughter) for the first time in November. We had a blast and she is so cute. I got to go see Hoover Dam for the first time which was pretty cool. Also Kali (cousin/sister) and her girls came down from St. George to spend some time with us. Kendalyn is such a big sister and loves showing us everything Mia can do.


Kate is spending some time with Grandpa Martin on Thanksgiving. We spent Thanksgiving with about 40 members of the Martin clan up in Parkdale. I forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures. I had to steal this one from Amos. We had a great time and it was good to see family that we haven't seen in a while.