Thursday, May 29, 2014

My Love

So Paul and I are coming up on our 14th year of marriage and lately it just seems that we have settled into life. I don't know if it is knowing we aren't having anymore kids, having figured out our plan for our future and working towards it or if at some point in every marriage there is just a sense of.....peace with where you are at. I love this man with all my heart and there has never been a better fit for me. That is not to say that we don't have our bumps in the wanting to choke him with his socks that he has left on the floor for the millionth time or the snoring...wall shaking snoring! haha
We have had some rough years (not to say there won't be more) and sometimes I have thought to myself if he was just a little more sensitive, clean, social or would help me without me asking that would make him a better man. Then I thought about his list for me and what he would change. That is where this song comes into play. I love this song because when I really think about Paul and what he does for me and our could I want more.