Sunday, May 1, 2011

So this is our finished backyard!! It is nothing special but it is done. We did the basic grass and rock but next year we are going to work on an outdoor living space.
This is proof that Paul and I (plus a couple of friends) actually did yard work we hate doing it so that is why our yard is simple and easy to maintain.
This is the before pictures except we already did the rock two weekends before. So overall it took 3 days to transform our yard. 2 days for the rock and 1 day for the grass. I am thankful for our friends that helped and I am glad it is over.

My sleeping baby

Brooke is such a good sleeper she can fall asleep anywhere unfortunately she like to take a lot of 15 min cat naps. This week I have increased how much I am feeding Brooke at each feeding and it seems to help a little. She is finally starting to take longer naps in the afternoon. That means I have a little of free time to clean the house.....or go shopping....that is a tough choice.


Grandpa got to spend some quality time with Brooke while we did the Easter egg hunt. She loves to talk with anyone who will take the time to talk to her. It takes her a min to warm up but then she will talk forever.
I love how I don't have to put the girls in sweaters with their Easter dresses. It is warm enough that it is an option but I don't have to.
Natalie was a little irritated that I made her wear a dress. As you can see she tried do the best she could in it. After the egg hunt she asked if she could take it off.
Grandpa and Sherry came over for Easter and Amos and Michelle came later for the meal. So it was a small get together that we didn't actually plan on and we just threw it together the day before but it turned out well.
These are the finished egg. We went simple but the girls loved the glitter they got to coat them in.
Yes that is my family all in their pj's. We were really busy that week and everything kind of got pushed to the last min. We woke up Easter morning and before their shower we quickly decorated eggs. Easter was fun and very low key which is good for me because time seems to be flying by lately and I am doing so many things last min.