Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Time with my girls

I had the great opportunity to take some time off work and spend the summer with my girls. I loved being able to play and just hang out with them. I keep thinking about how much I miss when I am at work. They are so young and change so much from day to day. I will be starting work tomorrow and I have mixed feelings about that. I will miss the time with my kids but I enjoy working as well. Plus having me work doesn't hurt our pocket book. I was going to have to go back to work no matter what because Paul will be quiting work in the spring and going to school full time. The girls grew up so much over the summer that I don't even see them as my babies any more they are my kids now. I will be working swing so I still get to take Natalie to school and have some alone time with Kate. The plan is when I drop Natalie off at school then Kate and I will go walking, well I will be walking Kate will be enjoying the ride, and afterwards take Kate to the park to play. That's the plan but who knows. My kids were so much fun this summer I am going to miss them.


I decided I would try and get my eyebrows waxed. This was the first time in all my 29 years that I have had this done. My eyes totally watered the whole time and the lady who did it said that I didn't have much hair to remove. It was an OK experience but I don't think I need to do this. I can't really tell the difference so I think I will just let them grow.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Chicken pox

Katelyn woke up from her nap today with a little surprise for me. She has the chicken pox's. Both her and Natalie have been vaccinated but I read on "webmd" that the vaccination is 100% effective for the severe cases but 85-90% effective for the mild cases. Also with a child that has the vaccine normally their cases are mild. (hopefully) Natalie hasn't shown any symptoms yet and I will be calling her doctor tomorrow to see how long I need to watch for them. I am hoping that Kate runs through this fast and Nat doesn't get it. There is a wedding in a week and a half and the girls are suppose to be in it. Paul would be more then willing to stay home with the girls while I go to the wedding because we all know how he loves things like that but I don't think he is out of the woods yet. The picture isn't very good because the pox's are in the early stages and very light.
Update: I talked with the doctor this morning and Kate should be through this in a week and I have to watch Nat for the next week and a half. If she gets no symptoms then she is in the clear and can go to the wedding.

LuLu's bridal shower

My cousin Lindsey is getting married in a couple of weeks and I was in charge of her bridal shower. It turned out great and I have to thank my Aunt Laura for helping me. I am not very creative and when I would get stuck on how to decorate something she always had a solution. Also one of her wedding colors is blue and I have been helping with the wedding so I was tired of the color blue. Lindsey also likes the color green and I wanted the room to be bright and cheery. I think we pulled it off. It was a great turn out and she got a ton of great gifts. I had a blast putting this together and wish her the best.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Paul and I have been married eight years today. I went through our wedding album to find this picture and it seems like that was us a life time ago. Paul has a few more grey hairs and I have a few more pounds but we also have more love for each other then we did on the day we were married. I look forward to another eight years and all that comes with it.

Natalie's School

I got a letter in the mail inviting us to orientation for Natalie's Preschool. We also got a school supply list. I know it is stupid but I was so excited to get that. I can't wait to go school shopping with Natalie. There was also a school schedule for activities that are planned for the school year and there is a Christmas program. I told Paul that we need to buy a video camera before the program. That will make my Christmas. I also noticed there was a grandparents day. I told Mimi and she was so excited about that. If you can't tell I am so looking forward to sending Natalie to school. Natalie is so smart and cute I think she will do great but every mother says that about their child.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cutie Kate

She is so cute! I so wish I could lay down and take a nap everyday.

Time with the Martins

This weekend we had some of the Martins come into town and stay with us for a couple of days. We had a blast and it was great for Nat and Kate to spend some time with their cousins. We got to use every seat at the dinner table finally. Everyone was so helpful when it came to getting dinner ready and setting the table. I got the real feeling of having a big family and it is a lot of work but I do have to admit that it was fun.
Guitar Hero was played all weekend long and when it wasn't your turn to play yet everyone was parked on the couch until they were up.
Natalie was so glad the Lane was here. She loved playing with him and he would wrestle with her. I think she like having boys around to play with. Amos and Michelle came by and we took everyone to Bullwinkle's. I think everyone had a blast. I got up early on Sunday before they left and made cupcakes with Taylor and Natalie. Taylor wanted to make cupcakes so bad but when it was time to put the frosting and the sprinkles on she had lost interest. Paul's sister Liz loves kids and Kate was her buddy all weekend long. Anytime I told Kate no to something she would go running to Liz and ask. Of course Liz was a good aunt and gave in to her every time.
We had so much fun that I can't wait till Christmas till we all get together again.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Breaking Dawn

So I finished the book in 36 hours and it was so good. It totally answered all the open questions and I couldn't put it down. I had Paul come home early from work so I could pick the book up at midnight. There were people of all age so I didn't feel so out of place. and of course there were people dressed up as vampires. Then there were some kids dressed up in formal dresses. I didn't understand that but to each their own. Overall I loved the book and the ending was perfect. I will probably be reading it again soon just to make sure I got everything. I read the book kind of fast because I was excited to see what would happen next that I might have missed somethings.