Thursday, July 31, 2008

Potty training

We have started potty training with Kate and I have decided to take a completely different approach then I did with Natalie. We are going really slow. I let her keep her diaper on and every so often I will ask her if she has to go potty. She has told me no a couple of times but she has said yes quite a few times and wants to go sit on the potty. This is only day two and and she has peed and pooped in the toilet. With Natalie I started her the day after she turned two and then I made her try and go potty every hour. I think I put to much pressure on her to pick it up quickly and it back fired. Plus I have learned with Natalie she does everything at her pace. The only bump we have hit with Katelyn so far is that she knows when she is in the bathroom and goes potty she gets candy. So sometimes it is a struggle to get her out of the bathroom. The progress is good and I think if we just let her go at her pace she will do better and probably potty train faster then Natalie. We are not even close to being out of diapers yet but I am so looking forward to it

Thursday, July 17, 2008


We decided to make some cupcakes and yes both of my girls are half naked. Clothes seem to be totally optional around my house lately. We made chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting and a little bit of sprinkles for the girls. Katelyn normally doesn't eat a lot of sweets but she inhaled this. She even ate some of the wrapper. I went to clean up the table after they were done and I could only find half of Katelyn's wrapper then I saw one of the pictures and it was in her mouth.

Stubborn Kate

Kate has decided lately that she doesn't want to go to bed when it is time. So this is her latest stall tactic. She figures if she doesn't look at you and you can't see her face then she doesn't have to listen to you. Also as you can tell from the video Natalie couldn't let Katelyn get all of the camera action.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dress appeal

Natalie has decided that she is old enough to pick out her own outfits now. I love the coordination and the colors match perfectly. It is also suppose to be 90 degree's today, I think she might get a little hot. Also this is only the first outfit for the day. When she goes down for her nap she changes outfits while she is supposed to be sleeping and then sometime in the early evening she gets into another one. Paul I have been discussing what we are going to do in the future and we had to decided if I was going to work swing or day shift at my next job. Well Natalie starts preschool in the fall and this picture totally pushed me to working swing shift. If Paul was responsible for getting Natalie dress and ready for school I am afraid that she would show up in outfits like this. Paul doesn't really understand fashion at all and I know that surprises everyone. I don't want to have the dirty grubby kid in the class.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


We decided that it would be fun to do some s'mores. We haven't done this with the kids yet and it had been awhile since Paul and I cooked s'mores.
I forgot how good they taste and the girls seemed to enjoy them too.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Natalie has officially been signed up for Preschool. She starts Sept. 2 and is so excited. I am a little nervous though. She will be around a bunch of new people and hopefully I won't have any parent teacher conferences right off the bat.

4th of July

We had the girls get in their PJ's before we went out to do the fireworks. We told them we needed to wait until dark so they planted themselves at the bottom of the stairs and waited (not so patiently). They were a little hesitant at the beginning but warmed up and weren't so freaked out after the first couple fireworks went off. We had the opportunity do hang out with some friends and also some family but we decided to just to have are own fireworks show and stay home. The girls stayed on the tailgate of the truck and handed the fireworks to Paul. We just brought fireworks at a local stand so nothing went any higher then six feet in the air. Lame I know but I think the big ones that we normally buy off a reservation would have freaked Katelyn out. The girls wouldn't even hold the sparklers.
Over all is was a fun night and the girls really enjoyed themselves. Paul did a great job with the fireworks although at one point he was growing tried of the lame fireworks so he started lighting multiple ones at the same time. One of the times he left one to close and Natalie, Kate and I were on the truck and had to jump up and run to the back of it. Everyone was OK and to my surprised no one cried.